Glyph Drill Down: Weak Human Destiny Destroys Civilization

Glyph Drill Down: Weak Human Destiny Destroys Civilization
Welcome to the Glyph Drill Down Roundtable. I will be running these weekly. If you are interested in joining in, please let me know in the comments. This is Faction/Level agnostic. ~@GaanEden
Glyphs are a memetic language imparting concepts to influence the human mind. In this Roundtable, we will discuss the following glyph sequence:
Weak Human Destiny Destroys Civilization
What do you think it mean? Who is the sender and what is the receiver supposed to understand? How is this glyph sequence supposed to influence the human mind?
@thedeacon1972/ Resistance
Every time I get this Glyph Message I start to shudder a bit. It sounds sinister and threatening.  But after pondering over it for a while, I started to think otherwise.
The Shapers language has no word for “leader.” So they substitute it with human and destiny, meaning a human that controls the destiny of people. If this human is weak, he or she destroys the civilization he’s leading, either by being unable to make a decision or changing his/her course too often.
As most Glyphs, I think this is sent by the Shapers to remind us that it is necessary to choose leaders wisely. Especially now, where the factions are led by extremists, who are weak in the sense that they are unable to look beyond their narrow beliefs.
@Enade/ Enlightened
This is one of the Glyph Sequences that irritates me every time I see it. It strikes me as a decidedly N’Zeer sequence because of the first three glyphs “Weak Human Destiny.” Our destiny as humans is ours to decide, it is as weak or as strong as our will to follow our path and our determination to face our demons. This is a message to try and lure sensitives to following the N’Zeer design of technology over nature.
@Ishira/ Resistance
I’m actually going to focus on one definition of this sequence today instead of multiple because I feel this definition is more important to me than the others and needs more attention.
Weak humans are destined to destroy their civilizations. In so many ways this is true, weaknesses in many forms are the cause of great downfalls. Greed, power, love… These can all be weaknesses when it comes to decisions we have to make to further ourselves or protect what we fight for. These weaknesses either hinder us or drive us to do things we may not normally agree with and in some cases change us for the worse. We are complex beings and thus in many ways we are weak. There are more obvious weaknesses as well, with physical disabilities and sometimes mental.  This is why I think human was purposefully used again, as it is a combination of mind, body, and soul. I think this represents that there isn’t just one weakness that will overall destroy us, that it’s not easily predicted and that it changes from person to person. 
The sequence once again is lacking personal direction, but I think this is purposeful. I don’t believe that it is directed to us but rather a fact being pointed out to someone, possibly not us. If it were to be pointed to us, I feel different glyphs would be used. Without it being directed to me, I don’t take offense to it and even if it had been I think I would still be humbled by it. I see it more as reminding me that if I allow my weaknesses to cloud my judgment that I am ultimately destined to fail. But it is not telling me I am failing, that I am killing my civilization, more of warning me that my civilization may fail because of other weaknesses I may have no control over and that I should be aware of that. Without it being directed to me, I see it as a warning, to be prepared. There is no argument from me that we as humans are weak and that we allow our weaknesses to control us to some extent.
I don’t see malice in this glyph but I also can’t say that one side or being has sent it. Anyone could say this, because simply it’s true. If we allow our weaknesses to dictate our actions, we will ultimately fail and destroy ourselves. While we may not have control of others weaknesses we can set a clear example of stepping away and beyond our own weaknesses reach. We can decide to move past our weaknesses, to grow and learn from them. But if we focus on them, if we focus on fixing and defending them, then we will destroy ourselves. 
@GaanEden/ Enlightened
I find it interesting that this glyph sequences makes agents from both sides angry. I empathize with this—who are you to say humans have a weak destiny? At the same time, I can see where Ishira is coming from—a weak person is destined to destroy civilization and that weakness can come in many forms. But, as always, I always twitch as the adverb of “human.” Especially in a negative sequence. To me, that implies that the alien or non-human “destiny” is the correct way to go. This is suspect.
I run these weekly. If you are interested in joining in, please let me know in the comments. This is Faction/Level agnostic.
Also, if you would like to have a specific glyph sequence examined, let me know in the comments.

flint dille Andrew Krug Hank Johnson Stein Lightman Edgar Allan Wright H. Richard Loeb Linda Besh


  1. Very interesting answers and as always an excellent organized roundtable. I agree with all answers and would like to add my thoughts.

    Inside the glyph Weak there can be found Not. So the sequence could be read as Weak Not Human Destiny Destroy Civilization. That reminds me of the New Wave Resistance movement and what Jahan told about her blueprint masterplan.

    On the other side it is a warning for the enlightened to be strong in their belief, otherwise their civilization will be destroyed.

  2. Hmmm, it weak human or is it weak human destiny? Weak human implies that humans are weak? Compared to,what? Some parasitic civilization that uses us to get its jollies? Or compared to the glory and power of the universe?
    OR is it a weak human destiny? Implying we don't have much say in our destiny and because it is weak we don't have a chance at saving our civilization? A strong destiny would imply we have something that will definitely be happening, but a weak destiny implies it is something that might be able to be changed depending on our actions.
    How are we going to destroy our civilization? If we look at the history of the Anazketec (spelling?) they nearly destroyed themselves due to a very strong portal influence and activity surrounding portals. They stopped building large cities afterwards to protect themselves from portal activity. They knew that having massive portal influence destroyed their civilization and would not allow anything in their society afterwards that would make a portal. No artwork or buildings or other things we know today produce portals. They lived simply and did not allow any such things or structures to be built afterwards in order to protect their lives.
    Because of this I believe the phrase MUST be weak human destiny. It is not written in stone and we can change it. Our weak destiny like that of the Anazketec can be changed by following their example. Give less power to to portals in order to protect our civilization. We know portals come from congregating at certain places. Artwork, signs spend less time putting your thoughts and energy into them and that will slow down the Shapers ability to interact with us and perhaps spare us from the petty war between the Shapers and N'zeer. We are the the ones who suffer the most in their war.
    WE need to make a strong destiny for ourselves independent of the Shapers and N'zeer. Yes, I know, I am back to having a human faction away from Shapers influence. We can't have Shapers without N'zeer so we need to end our relationship with the Shapers to protect ourselves from the N'zeer. The Shapers can't or at least have been unwilling in the past so we need to take control and do it ourselves. Don't get me wrong although I don't like the Shapers using us, I do believe they are a benevolent peace loving society. But, they also bring with them an enemy that causes great destruction to us. The choice is ours to make. Cut off Shapers influence and make our own destiny independent of them, or face the inevitable consequences of the war between the Shapers and N'zeer destroying our civilization again.


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