Make sure your audio is on..

Make sure your audio is on..

Originally shared by Bernard Sadaka (YRAR)

While i was giving an ADA to agent Harout Bajikian (@Haroutba) this morning, he made a big discovery...
While picking the ADA from the ground, the scanner said: "Jarvis Virus acquired"...
I didn't believe it at the beginning... but then i tried it myself and it is true.
What does this mean?
Did Jarvis merge with ADA? Is ADA now part of Jarvis?
Is this a result of the attack on ADA?
Can other agents also please confirm this?


  1. Both ADA and Jarvis are reported as "JARVIS VIRUS ACQUIRED". But they remain the same.

  2. Thanks for sharing this info here Bernard Sadaka​! Luckily as Cecil Andrews​ says they seem to still be the same item once in inventory, or at least that was the status as of earlier... certainly hope its not just the START of a bigger change... :-)

  3. Matt Stevenson Some agents are speculating that this may be a hint that ADA and Jarvis are merging :(
    If this is the case it will become a bit confusing :$


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