November Lima 1331 Seattle Meet Up, 30 Oct 2016

November Lima 1331 Seattle Meet Up, 30 Oct 2016 Along with the mysterious intel dead drops ( ), the NL 1331 van was in full regalia. A good xfac crowd of over 100 Resistance and Enlightened agents appeared and had a great time. Here is the group photo ( ). Prizes were given out for various best stats… I didn’t catch people’s names as they won. I suspect they’ve already posted about it. Project Isthmus was on hand to help Ethan out and to have a small costume contest. Each member of the Project Isthmus founders that were at the event chose their favor RES and ENL agent costumes then decided who one first, second, and third place. The costume contest Enlightened winners, in order: Agents TheGladerunner, Daftasabrush, and olskinny . The costume contest Resistance winners, in order: Agents Egyptus, Arett, and TrggrHppyNana . Congratulations agents! You helped make it a fun nig...