Glyph Drill Down: Chaos War Conflict Discover Peace

Glyph Drill Down: Chaos War Conflict Discover Peace

Welcome to the Glyph Drill Down Roundtable. These weekly examinations of glyph phrases. If you are interested in joining in, please let me know in the comments. This is Faction/Level agnostic. ~@GaanEden

Glyphs are a memetic language imparting concepts to influence the human mind. In this Roundtable, we will discuss the following glyph sequence:

* Chaos War Conflict Discover Peace*

What do you think it mean? Who is the sender and what is the receiver supposed to understand? How is this glyph sequence supposed to influence the human mind?

@Wikkedimp / Enlighened
At first, this sequence made little sense to me, so I broke it down and looked at the definitions of the words. I understood what the words meant but was still struggling with how these words could possibly fit together. Then it came to me. This sentence is a proverb.

Chaotic (matter) war conflict(s) with discover(ing) peace

Chaos only makes sense in the sentence if you take into account that we, Resistance and Enlightened, are fighting a war over chaotic matter. War conflicts with peace. And peace is something our messenger wishes us to discover.

Who is the messenger? In this case, I do not think it matters as much as the message.

@Ishira / Resistance
There are quite a few ways to take this and I will once again be talking about two. The first one I think is something along the line of telling us the battles we are in are utter chaos and that we end to stop focusing on the war and conflict so that we can discover peace. A way of trying to refocus us but by who? Both sides are focused on peace in the long term of things so it could come from either but most of the time we are told to continue our battles and win them. Peace almost seems like a secondary thing….Which definitely does not sit well with me…. But I see a different context.

This sequence, to me, fits the theme of last weeks, where it almost seems like a set of directions or a mantra for us to consider. Chaos leads to war but through the conflict we will somehow discover peace. Maybe it is trying to remind us why we are fighting or possibly showing us that war and conflict is needed to get to peace. While the sequence largely focuses on war and what it is it also leads us and ends with discovery and peace. As if to lead us through a time line that will eventually end well. This sequence I feel would come from someone wise, looking away from the situation without influence of either factions, because to me, I do not feel our factions would give us this message. At least not at this time. I believe the sequence is largely misread…. And there is no clear direction on who sent it.

Chaos, war, and conflicts are unfortunately our world’s dominating diseases and often the reason for civilization destructions. Glyphs are neither good nor evil. But this part of the sequence could function as a destruction code. In my opinion this part of the sequence is sent by the Shapers. Yes, the Glyphs have created entire civilizations, and, yes... Glyphs have also destroyed entire civilizations.

The second part of the sequence - discover peace - sounds to me as a direct order to us. It reminds me to a quote: “If you cannot find peace within yourself, you’ll never find it anywhere else.” The sender doesn’t tell us how to discover peace. The only message of these two glyphs is; Do it!

I believe that this sequence is sent by the Shapers. Why do I think so? They tell me to change my attitude. They speak personally with me through this sequence.

@thedeacon1972 /Resistance
Whether this glyph message is actually from the shapers or N’Zeer doesn’t change its meaning. I think it can be interpreted in many ways, but I chose a meaning that is true in two different realms of reality.

In the first realm, the one I perceive outside my mind, it points to a development which every civilization has to go through. For a civilization to mature and gain longevity, it has to go through an era where this civilization and its core values is in danger. Chaos, War and Conflict are necessary ingredients for a civilization to grow upon in at least one stage of its Evolution. It’s true that some fail then and vanish into oblivion, but those who come through it have gained an important insight: That a civilization is a fragile thing that must not be taken as granted. The civilization may even have discovered new technologies. “Der Krieg ist der Vater aller Dinge” is a famous German saying, that roughly translates into “War fathers all things.” There are enough examples of this in our history.

In the second realm, the one inside the mind, we can see a similar development. On a small scale, everyone of us lives through this every day when we have to make a decision. Different arguments conflict with each other but lead to a decision finally. Failure is possible even here – when no decision is made. On a larger scale, the big events in our lives – the death of a dear one, marriage, or birth of a child for example – lead our mind into chaos, but overcoming this helps us grow and discover peace in our life. Failure may have graver consequences here – psychological ailments or suicide at worst.

I think whoever sends this message wants us to be alert for the dangers development brings, but also wants to Show us that there are great rewards waiting for us.

@GaanEden / Enlightened
The interesting thought from our roundtable participants this week is the fact that it doesn’t matter who sent the message. I’m not sure that’s true. Who sent it colors its meaning because of the memetic context of the sender. Still, everyone has given me much to think about.

I run these weekly. If you are interested in joining in, please post in the comments. This is Faction/Level agnostic.
flint dille Linda Besh Andrew Krug Stein Lightman Hank Johnson H. Richard Loeb Edgar Allan Wright


  1. I agree with all those who state that it doesn't really matter which side sent this message. Unfortunately it has been the way of Human Civilization for Millennia to have Chaos, War, and Conflict to eventually Discover a short Peace. Though I think in this message it could be telling us to end the Chaos Wars and Conflicts and Discover Peace, however since Glyph Sequences seem to be 5 long at most End which would be at the start never made it in the message

  2. I don't know. Look at it this way. (Speaking from what I know of each side.) N'Zeer "Only in conflict will you discover peace" vs Shaper "So much fighting and war, discover peace." It's all about context.

    It's like THE MARTIAN. "Do you think he means that in a good way? "Are you f*cking kidding me?" Or in a bad way, "Are you f*cking kidding me?""

    Context really matters.

  3. I agree, the context does matter, but until we know what Glyph should have come before it we can only guess with what we know.

  4. This was a very interesting sequence to think about! And i can agree that the message could be read so entirely different depending on its context and who said it. Not sure though that our faction leads (the shapers and n'zeer) sent it. Especially now with the reveal of the new sequences. We will see though, I feel the more we do these the closer we get to understanding them.


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