Glyph Drill Down: Create New Portal Potential Future

Glyph Drill Down: Create New Portal Potential Future

Welcome to the Glyph Drill Down Roundtable. These weekly examinations of glyph phrases. If you are interested in joining in, please let me know in the comments. This is Faction/Level agnostic. ~@GaanEden

Glyphs are a memetic language imparting concepts to influence the human mind. In this Roundtable, we will discuss the following glyph sequence:

Create New Portal Potential Future

What do you think it mean? Who is the sender and what is the receiver supposed to understand? How is this glyph sequence supposed to influence the human mind?

This glyphs which I presume were sent to us directly from the Shapers, perhaps mean, that agents will be able to create new potential portals through the scanner in the future. The sequence will further influence xm sensitives around the globe in a way, that they are able to recognize and identify new Portals within the portal network, again.

For this week’s Glyph Drill Down I can read the sequence “Create New Portal Potential Future” in three different ways.

The first message is a personal one. It is saying: “Hey agent, go outside and turn some grey portals in blue/green, link them together; gain Mind Units.”

The second message is to the individual sensitive. As we can remember there were some “Seer” among us having the power to sense and detect places of Exotic Matter concentrations. They were able to create resonating portals and make these places visible for all of us. Hank Johnson mentioned that within his Nomad Hypothesis.

The third message is to the sensitive collective, known as “Operation Portal Recon.” Not all is known about this upcoming Operation starting slowly in several regions around the globe. The new portal submission will allow high sensitive agents to give feedback on potential portals in their hometown. One other interesting feature is that there will be a “faction” based score available on the portal recon home page. This will keep track of the number of candidates analyzed and submitted, and there will be a “checkpoint” once per day at midnight UTC. So what is the difference to the old version? It’s about working together, being connected and maybe it’s about a struggle between the two factions.

Until now I only know one individual that would profit from all three messages - her name is A Detection Algorithm. As a Turing machine connected to the portal network, ADA gets much more power, growing faster and faster, by a higher density of the global portal network. So by creating new portals by any means we all give her more potentials for the future. Maybe it was ADA who implemented this glyph sequence to the scanner. I wouldn’t be surprised if so...

I played with this message a bit longer than I normally do as trying to step away from the obvious meaning was harder to do than normal.

Create a new portal for potential future is a rather straight forward but confusing message. We are being told to do something for something we may not receive which to me isn’t motive at all to do the thing I’m being asked to do. In fact, if anything it makes me question whether or not the action is worth doing and if I don’t receive this potential future, then what am I going to receive? I feel uneasy about this while curious at the same time. It feels like we are given one of many outcomes and even that outcome isn’t clear.... So why would we choose it? I feel this could come from either side since most of what we are told is in the form of what seems like riddles but I feel this is a more human response. A way to try and convince someone to do something that may not be beneficial to them but rather someone else....

The other way I read it, and the one I lean more towards is Create new portal potential for the future. Our portals are based on art, history and things of significance. They are a part of us in not just our world but our souls, our minds, and our civilizations. We’ve created the portals even before our scanners could detect them through our own creativity, thought, spirituality, emotion and so much more. To me, the sequence in this form isn’t telling us specifically to create a portal but create the things that make our portals. To me, it inspires me as an artist to create more art. I am more willing to accept an order like this because to me, it’s asking me to do what I would love to do. A person’s personal portal would be completely dependent on what they wanted, so I feel in this way, the sequence itself could be more personal than an order. Either side can again send this, it doesn’t seem faction specific to me.

Now to point out something that would be silly to ignore. Shortly after we received these new sequences, the highest leveled agents among us gained the ability to use Portal Recon, where they can scout out and look at new potential portals. It would be naïve to say that this sequence wasn’t potentially signally us to this change and new ability. At the least it doesn’t seem like a coincidence as soon, because of Portal Recon, we may start to see new portals go live.

I advocate that this sequence has an overall positive tone. The glyphs ‘Create’, ‘New’ and ‘Potential’ put together are optimistic and constructive expressions. As we saw with the contrasting events of Via Lux and Via Noir, or of light and darkness, when one instance of such an event occurs its opponent is not far behind it. For such a long time we lived in a blackout period where agents were unable to discover new portals, and any emergence of portals was only tied to powerful global corporations. With the recent emergence of the ‘Operation Portal Recon’ we are finally starting to see the light - that is the ability for those in the field to make incredible discoveries.

The question that remains are, will you as an agent be able to capitalize on this new opportunity? Will you realize your potential and the future that awaits you? While this operation is limited in scope for now, there is no doubt that it will expand globally. Regardless of who can approve new submissions an individual agent will soon be able to find new unique portals, employ new operations with those new portals, or in the very least begin a new adventure. As it is with any future, the choice is up to us; our future is what we make it. What potential lies in your future? If you put forth the effort there truly is no limit as to what you can accomplish and your potential future will be bright.

@GaanEden / Enlightened
Overall, everyone feels that this is a positive message. Either seek out new portals, or create art that links into new portals, or use your sensitive ability to find what is already there. An interesting point Metamorphis made is that the more portals there are, the more ADA would benefit. It is possible she’s the one who sent the message. I had not considered this

I run these weekly. If you are interested in joining in, please post in the comments. Or contact either Ishira or Metamorphis. This is Faction/Level agnostic.

Haerang Dong flint dille Edgar Allan Wright Linda Besh Andrew Krug Hank Johnson Stein Lightman H. Richard Loeb


  1. i had not considered either that Ada could be involved, which would be rather interesting considering that we still have no idea who, what or why these new sequences popped into our scanners so suddenly...

  2. My suspicion is with OLW as ADA+Klue+Moyer were absorbed? into the Tecthulhu somehow. He may have obtained an unprecedented level of access into the portal network.


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