Glyph Drill Down: Human Legacy Have Abandon Now

Glyph Drill Down: Human Legacy Have Abandon Now

Welcome to the Glyph Drill Down Roundtable. These weekly examinations of glyph phrases. If you are interested in joining in, please let me know in the comments. This is Faction/Level agnostic. ~@GaanEden

Glyphs are a memetic language imparting concepts to influence the human mind. In this Roundtable, we will discuss the following glyph sequence:

Human Legacy Have Abandon Now

What do you think it mean? Who is the sender and what is the receiver supposed to understand? How is this glyph sequence supposed to influence the human mind?

The use and placement of the Have glyph brings nuance here as, in my opinion, this sequence can be read two ways. One is that the human legacy we have should be abandoned now. The other is that human legacy now as the concept of “abandon” or a way out from its previous path. One is imperative warning, the other a benign remark.

Both ways however would point to a turning point in human civilization. Seeing as well that this glyph sequence has appeared in the midst of Via Noir, this could be a reference to Tecthulhu. Either the discovery and presence of this dark power means that we need to respond radically to prevent or destroy it, or Tecthulhu represents an alternative way for our civilization to move forward.

All that being said, the darkest interpretation for this sequence is a nihilistic one. That whatever we have achieved in the existence of our species has come to an end, that all hope is lost and we will inevitably be consumed by the darkness and forgotten in time.

This is one of the new glyph sequences which appeared right after Via Lux. It sounds sinister and threatening, but I actually think it is a warning.

I think it’s safe to assume that the Shapers were aware that Nigel Moyer had the secrets of the Tecthulhu in his hands. When they realized that OLW was rebuilding this machine - and they would realize it, a machine so powerful has to leave his marks in the pattern of the ultimate - they started sending this message. I’´s a warning that once this machine is up and running, we have abandoned our human legacy for now. The power this machine has got was never meant to be controlled by human(s). Look what it has done to OLW´s mind - the signs of madness in his words and eyes are clear. He has lost his human heritage and is now controlled by Tecthulhu, made clear by his own words: “It’s inside my mind.” He also sacrificed core human values by “killing” Susanna Moyer and what was left of Klue in order to satisfy his greed for knowledge.

The warning the Shapers - as I don’t believe the N’Zeer would warn us of a new technology - send us holds true now. I shudder to think about OLW´s words: “Where there was one, there will be many.” I hope no one else abandons his human legacy now for the power of the Tecthulhu, but who knows? Our current faction leaders have proven that they only care for their plans ...

My first question to this sequence is “what is human legacy?” which leads me to earliest humans and human evolution. The study of human evolution involves many scientific disciplines, including linguistics. Language was a basic knowledge to evolve to first functional civilizations.

Much is lost about human linguistics in earliest days of human mankind. Do we really know how first humans communicated? Did they used Shaper Glyphs as a universal mind programming language to interact? These questions and speculations are unanswered until now. Maybe by learning and studying the glyphs we will be able to recover some of the lost knowledge. As Klue/ADA said: “The struggle continues. Do not abandon it. We must rise. We must resist. Our time has come. Join me. Join us. Together, we can protect our destiny.”

Thinking about the sender in this context I’m sure that the N’Zeer try talking to us. They want us to remember. They want us protect old knowledge from lost.

This sequence is intriguing considering when it came out and how Noir was in fact. I feel a lot of ways were abandoned in our last anomaly... Including people. But personal feelings aside, there are a lot of unanswered questions when it comes to this sequence.

Human Legacy I read as possibly a person who has made a name for themselves. Someone everyone knows... Many people fall into this category past, present, and I’m sure in the future too so I don’t feel like its directing us to one specific person. I feel like the sequence isn’t saying that these people have abandoned something, but rather we have abandoned them. That we are moving away from the legacies and their opinions or maybe influence...Or maybe it is telling us, we need to move away from them... That we are relying too much on our human legacies and not focusing on the real problems at hand.

What if the human legacy is us though? If it is, than what are we being asked to abandon? If taken in this context we are being ordered to do something but the orders aren’t clear... As an agent, I don’t particularly like it in this context as it would obviously lead to failure in some form...

I look at when this sequence was released though and I see a warning.... To me, it was telling us that something would happen to our Legacies, that they would be abandoned in some way.... It seems rather fitting considering what happened with Susanna and Klue.

@GaanEden / Enlightened
For me… @Migenro said it best. I feel no need to reiterate his words in a different light. Though, I think @thedeacon1972’s thought about this being a warning from the Shapers also rings a bell within me.

I run these weekly. If you are interested in joining in, please post in the comments. This is Faction/Level agnostic.
Haerang Dong flint dille Edgar Allan Wright Linda Besh Andrew Krug Hank Johnson Stein Lightman H. Richard Loeb


  1. Honestly I think this is a warning from BOTH the N'Zeer and the Shapers. If the Techthulu is as bad a machine as we have all come to believe it is, then surely both of them are actually in agreement on this. I believe this partially because The Acolyte and Jahan fought to destroy it together. If the N'Zeer wanted the Techthulu intact surely they would have had Jahan defend it, right?

    The ultimate question here though is what is the Human Legacy? Is it the monuments we have built or the lands we have preserved? Is it the music and art we have created? Is it our ancestors who came before us who paved the way for us? Maybe, just maybe, the N'Zeer and The Shapers see the history of conflict that they have instilled between our two factions and are telling us that for the Greater good we need to abandon that Legacy and start a new one, one where both Enlightened and Resistance aid each other, where Nature and Technology Coexist, where by accepting each other we become the Ultimate.

  2. This could be a reference as well as to what happened to OLW. He seems to have started down a path that has caused him to abandon his humanity in favor of something darker.

  3. Excellent insight, especially with Dr. Wright recently discussing the nature of humanity.


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