Here are the contents of the New Orleans briefcase!

Here are the contents of the New Orleans briefcase!

Earlier today:



H. Richard Loeb Edgar Allan Wright flint dille Haerang Dong Andrew Krug Operation Essex Project Isthmus 

Originally shared by Knyteshadeaux Robb Sisson

Since the Enlightened in New Orleans recovered a briefcase after securing yet another North American victory, other fellow agents have been asking what is in the briefcase. We opened it to discover a few treats inside: books, puzzles, along with the key for the puzzles.
The pictures below show someone standing before a monstrous thing. What could this be? Who is that standing there? These are important questions.
Also on the back of puzzles, there were QR codes. We still as of yet haven't figured out what they are for and we are not sure who it is who asked us to do so-but we are watching...
#ingress #vianoir #vianoirseoul #seoul
H. Richard Loeb​
Edgar Allan Wright​
flint dille​
Haerang Dong​
Operation Essex​
Project Isthmus​


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