Looks like we've got more surprises ahead!

Looks like we've got more surprises ahead!

Originally shared by Knyteshadeaux Robb Sisson

More Info From NOLA Enlightned...

I saw the recent question posed by Jamie Quinonez about the post we made just a few days back... It's a good question, & it is one we ourselves are actually asking - what further information will we gain? NOLA Enlightened agree that the lore is for all agents, regardless of faction. That said, there are some details we simply can not reveal. In an attempt to answer the public's questions as best we can, we will provide the following image.

Niantic Edgar Allan Wright H. Richard Loeb ,who will be responsible for answering this question?

flint dille
Haerang Dong
Andrew Krug
Operation Essex
Project Isthmus


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