Waiting for Beta from NOLA clues...

Waiting for Beta from NOLA clues...

Edgar Allan Wright
H. Richard Loeb
Haerang Dong
flint dille
Andrew Krug
Niantic Project
Hank Johnson

Originally shared by Knyteshadeaux Robb Sisson

Ten days left... Awaiting Beta

There has been a lot of discussion about the further released images of Techthulu, the Dec 10th date, how & if it all combines together. Other investigators have been more reserved in sharing their guesses. After discussion with some of those who have stated they are waiting for more information, NOLA Enlightened has decided to post this further piece of information. Like before, clearly it states we are to safeguard the contents. As before, we wanted to post as much as possible, while still upholding our duty to perform such guarding...
Niantic​ Edgar Allan Wright​ H. Richard Loeb​ flint dille​ Haerang Dong​ Andrew Krug​ Operation Essex​ Project Isthmus​


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