Avoid. Absent. Desire. Outside. Destiny.

Avoid. Absent. Desire. Outside. Destiny.

I am actually surprised this sequence doesn't appear in the game considering how many sequences all deal with the concept of destiny.

Originally shared by Mario Valenzuela II (Relique)

Septicycle 2016.50
Avoid. Absent. Desires. Outside. Destiny.

When creating my glyph sequences, I try to be as faction agnostic as possible, to avoid any possible bias that might creep in as a result of faction membership. For this reason I make it an effort to avoid using the glyphs for resist, struggle, enlightened, enlighten, and enlightenment. Unfortunately, each of the five seed lists had those glyphs and contained several sequences that would be very biased. As a result, I decided to combine those seed lists, input them back into the list randomizer, producting the following glyphs:

Outside. Contemplate. Have. Destiny. Absent. Avoid. Use. Desire. Before. Advance.

There are several interesting possible sequences within those ten glyphs; however, depending on how you interpret the glyphs, two of the possible sequences are essentially the same message: Avoid. Absent. Desires. Outside. Destiny. and Contemplate. Have. Desires. Outside. Destiny. When thinking about which sequence to post for this upcoming septicycle from those two specific sequences, I choose the former because I felt that it was a stronger message.

Avoid. Absent. Desires. Outside. Destiny. is actually a complex sequence to analyse since it could be interpreted in several ways due to the ambiguous nature of the "absent" glyph and the dual nature of the "outside" glyph. It may be interpreted as asking agents to take a totally fatalistic view of their existence and only follow those desires that may lead them towards their destiny. On the same line, it may also ask an agent to only follow what may lead to their destiny and avoid everything else. It could also be urging us to adopt a life philosophy which throws caution to the wind where every desire one has is followed as they try to distance themselves from destiny or to avoid their inner desires/wants since it would take them away from where their destiny.

However, that is not how I interpreted it since the extremes that this sequence points towards could be equally reckless and damaging to an agent. Instead, since the concept of something being absent implies that it is "lacking" I felt that the sequence could be just advising an agent to "Avoid (lacking) desires outside (of) destiny."

By not having a singular overarching want/desire, a person may avoid becoming trapped by a fatalist point of view. It allows the agent to grow and though chasing wants and desires one may realize that fate and destiny itself is not monolithic nor is it immutable. One's destiny, in fact, can evolve as a result of their actions and the actions of others.

#ingress #shaperPortents #shaperGlyphs


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