Sequence 2016.49 has been posted, a few hours early.

Sequence 2016.49 has been posted, a few hours early.
Originally shared by Mario Valenzuela II (Relique)
Septicycle 2016.49
Abandon. Chaos. Message. Contemplate. Path.
Yesterday, I decided to run the list generator to create the sequence for the upcoming Septicycle. I thought, why not, I was already preparing the sketchbook I planned to archive the glyph sequences within.
Then something went wrong with my process.
I created five lists of 10 glyphs and no single message seemed to pop up. Every list seemed to be filled with gibberish; multiples of various glyphs and strange contradictions. Perplexed, I though that maybe I should pick one list and then see what I could build from the the slim pickings I was given. Making lemonade, so to speak.
Then, inspiration hit. I took the 50 glyphs from the five lists and used them to generate a 6th list:
Enlightened. Resistance. Abandon. Repeat. Struggle. Contemplate. Path. Chaos. Message. Evolution.
The possibilities this list gave me were quite interesting. I quickly wrote down several possible sequences, then set out to work rebuilding my web of fields. Hours later, I returned home, in the early hours of the morning, I received a phone call.
After the call ended, I looked at the list of sequences I generated and knew which one I should select.
I view myself as being an agent of chaos, not unlike Oliver Lynton-Wolfe, an individual who revels in the anarchy caused my by actions and the destruction that I leave in my wake. I gleefully throw yolo links then build the most haphazard field quilt based in them, and I joyfully wreck the farms of the opposing faction.
The chaotic path I follow is paved with broken resonators.
Unfortunately, where chaos goes there is much uncertainty. There is never a clear path when one relies on chaos. The path meanders and seems to split in a fractally with offshoots that often lead no where, assuming one does not end up in an undesirable destination. As such, it's not surprising that when one gives themselves to chaos, they often become lost to it.
However, chaos can be beneficial. It could lead us to new opportunities for growth and may even lead us to an unexpected destination. When lost within chaos, it is possible for one to step back and find oneself surrounded by it beauty.
Hence, chaos is highly paradoxical in nature.
But which path should an individual follow? Should someone give up chaos and toss it aside as they follow an orderly path towards certainty, or should they recklessly give into chaos? That is a difficult decision to make, which is why that question is always on my mind...
Maybe, I should ask Dr. Oliver-Linton Wolfe what he would do...
#shaperPortents #shaperGlyphs #ingress
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