Welcome to the Glyph Drill Down Roundtable. These weekly examinations of glyph phrases. If you are interested in joining in, please let me know in the comments. This is Faction/Level agnostic. ~@GaanEden

Glyphs are a memetic language imparting concepts to influence the human mind. In this Roundtable, we will discuss the following glyph sequence:


What do you think it mean? Who is the sender and what is the receiver supposed to understand? How is this glyph sequence supposed to influence the human mind?

@wikkedimp / Enlightened
A very dark and ominous message. A warning to the receiver that unless they leave or stop whatever it is that they are doing, that death will be the final result. But there seems to be a word missing, and because of that missing word it begs more questions than it answers.

Escape before death ends us all? Ends you all? Ends all involved? And if it is all involved, what are the damned involved in? Is it the researchers from the original project? The investigators? Agents who believe this is nothing more than a game? Or does our involvement in whatever we need to escape from bring about the death of the N’zeer and/or Shapers and they are hoping we will listen before it’s too late for them?

Whoever sent this was scared. Of what or whom, I do not know. I can only hope it was made of a protective nature instead of a promising threat.

@AdaDefender / Resistance
At first glance, the phrase does not seem nothing more than a suggestion, an encouragement to flee, to escape, before death puts an end to everything. Clearly distressing, it is not possible in the first instance avoid being shaken. Appears nothing but the prophecy of a prophet, a council to be taken in time, not to arrive unprepared at the end of existence. Yet, it seems very little pertaining to current Ingress.

Therefore, it is necessary that we go deeper digging in search of truth. We are agents, and the portal network sends us this message may be, as some say, the future inhabitants of the world who, through the network, they contact with us from the future to warn us. Or, the network itself that wants to tell who has access to the danger, considering it a sentient extension of every intellect that with it has melted or has even interacted. Is the cry of a Cassandra of our age, we perceive through our technological devices, but we fear will go unheeded.

If we resort to etymology to dig deeper into the meaning of the Portal network message, we can consider ESCAPE not only as a suggestion to the real moviamento, to move away from something, but, as suggested by the OED, abandoning the enemy the its hood, its outward visible for not being chased, tracked. Abandon the habits, attitudes, becoming another new course before it is too late, before the END OF EVERYTHING. [from Vulgar Latin excappare, literally “get out of one’s cape, leave a pursuer with just one’s cape,” from Latin ex- “out of” (see ex-) + Late Latin cappa “mantle” (see cap (n.)). Mid-14c., of things, “get or keep out of a person’s grasp, elude (notice, perception, attention, etc.);”]

It seems possible, therefore, that the change of habits and behaviors can lead to a catastrophic change inevitable term of existence prophesied in the sequence. You can change the future seems, in the end, the way / the reason for the message.

@Metamorphis / Enlightened
This sequence sounds like a repeating alarm in my ears. “Attention agent, this is the last chance to stop it, before the self-destruct code will be initiated.” There are two events which are strong connected to this sequence in my mind. The first one was a message by Devra Bogdanovich only a few weeks ago (

In this message she tells what she knows about Techthulu. “They could destroy us all.” The second event was Devra’s and Jarvis’ escape from the Niantic Project. Maybe it’s because of the word “escape” why I connect this to the sequence. But maybe there’s more about. Why did ADA helped the both researchers to escape. Did she know Calvin’s evil plans and did she know about the ABADN chamber? Was her help to prevent that all researchers’ bodies will be imprisoned within the chamber? Maybe we will see more within the next weeks and by hearing from PAC about the Niantic Calamity.

@Ishira / Resistance
It is interesting to me that finally the alternate meaning for Die is being used, but it does leave a rather discouraging message. The message seems simple, but simple is not even a secondary glyph in this sequence. This sequence pushed me to study more of it, to figure out a deeper meaning in it so I took to my drawing pad and started a sequence study on it. To me it seems there must be more than the message most agents see but I will discuss my finds with the secondaries in another study, for now I’ll talk about my initial thoughts.

Escape before death ends all. It seems rather simple, we need to escape something before some sort of death comes and ends all. There’s a lot of ways to look at this though, as we are not told what to escape or what type of death the sequence is speaking about. We can assume that All stands for civilization or possibly the world, but like the others there could an endless amount of meanings to it. The way this sequence is designed is specifically so that it can hit a vast variety of interpretations and everyone could relate to it in some way shape or form.

So, in ways we could take it personally, it telling us that we need to escape something, or someone, in our lives as it is killing us and will surely end us. It is encouraging a change and while the sequence seems rather dim and may cause a shock to us as we read it, as we let it sink into our thoughts I am sure it makes people think about the problems they have and what they need to stop. We start relating our problems to this sequence. As agents, I feel this would encourage us to step away from minor problems that overwhelm us to focus on the bigger picture. I feel either side could give us this sequence and do not particularly feel it is focus on one more than the other.

Going further into this I want to focus on the glyphs used. While they can be numerous things they were specifically picked to be as vague as possible with this sequence which of course had my mind wandering. Death certainly caught my attention as its use could mean that something is in the process of dying or is already dead. But it does certainly adds an urgency to this sequence and negativity. Both of which may stir people into drastic changes without thinking first; Another way to look at it though, is that the Death the sequence is talking about is actually Death itself. As in the being, the bringer of, the embodiment of Death, however you look at it. I would not say it is a stretch as many creatures from our civilizations lore have come into the light recently. If this were true though, we would not be escaping from thoughts but rather a new enemy... The sequence meaning would change....

@GaanEden / Enlightened
I was startled by this glyph set at first. Now, I feel like someone is upset that we are not doing what they want us to do, thus they are amping up the urgency of the message. It’s like it is designed to create panic. Panicking people do stupid, hurried things. The problem we have right now is that we believe everything the glyph sets are telling us—even when they are in direct conflict with each other. There is no way to know who is correct and who is not. I want to disregard this glyph set altogether. All it does is push the Resistance and Enlightened to work harder against each other without give a reason or an out. It’s fear-mongering and I’m tired of it.

I run these every other week—for the most part. If you are interested in joining in, please post in the comments. Or contact either Ishira or Metamorphis. This is Faction/Level agnostic.

Haerang Dong flint dille Edgar Allan Wright Linda Besh Andrew Krug Hank Johnson Stein Lightman H. Richard Loeb


  1. Seems it's telling us the path we're on leads to oblivion. It's not even the interpretation of death which means transformation or change or a transition to a new beginning. It is a full stop.

    So we need to recognize what exactly is this path that it is trying to dissuade us from. And what are the alternatives.

  2. Excellent analysis! Especially with so much uncertainty in the recent wave of revelations.

  3. Escape before death end all,
    I see this as a literal interpretation. If we escape before death it is all ended. No paradise or afterlife to look forward to or whatever happens when death occurs. All our hopes and dreams of a better life are ended because we are stuck living here. Death is necessary for our evolution. If we escape death somehow, then it is over for us. No pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. I don't see it as a warning, but as a statement of fact. Imagine a life where everything and everyone dies excect you, not something I would ever want. It is called an afterlife for a reason, and it is necessary. The thought of living forever in this body without major changes and upgrades makes me shudder. As well as the ability to have everyone else brought back. No thank you, I will take death on the chance of a better tomorrow. I am not ready yet, but someday I will be and I look forward to it.


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