Glyph Drill Down: New Glyphs - Abandon, Begin, Destination, Legacy, N’Zeer, Knowledge, Perspective, and Us

Glyph Drill Down: New Glyphs - Abandon, Begin, Destination, Legacy, N’Zeer, Knowledge, Perspective, and Us

Welcome to the Glyph Drill Down Roundtable. These weekly examinations of glyph phrases. If you are interested in joining in, please let me know in the comments. This is Faction/Level agnostic. ~@GaanEden

Glyphs are a memetic language imparting concepts to influence the human mind. In this Roundtable, we will discuss the following new glyphs:

New Glyphs - Abandon, Begin, Destination, Legacy, N’Zeer, Knowledge, Perspective, and Us

Who or what caused the new glyphs to appear? What do you think they mean within the memetic language? What do they mean for each of the factions?

@Wikkedimp / Enlightened
I don’t know. After the loss of Susanna and Klue during Via Noir, and the release of new glyphs at that time, it really got me to think about who is releasing the glyphs. I know there are several theories as to who is sending the glyphs : The N’zeer are sending them. The Shapers are sending them. They are speaking to each other and we are listening in on a party line (sorry for dating myself).

A new theory that I am starting to favor is that a future us are sending these glyphs to warn us of future disaster or potential greatness if we choose to listen to them. As to the meaning and what they mean to each faction? I believe the words speak for themselves. The meanings only change during on interpretation.

@Ishira / Resistance
These glyphs were known before they came to our scanners and I feel it was just a matter of time before we would start receiving them. Just as I feel eventually we will receive all of the known glyphs and possibly some unknown ones. As we write about this set, we have another that has been released for us to study and contemplate about as well. Something has changed but what?

I personally feel many things brought upon this sets release, some obvious and some not but one of the greatest things I think has influenced this release were the agents themselves. We started paying much more attention to glyphs and in this last year multiple studies have been done on them.

Here in the Drill Downs we have taken apart the sequences we have been given, thoroughly discussing and studying what the sequences mean to not just one faction but both. We have begun working together in many ways to try and discover what truths are in the glyphs. And we began questioning the ones we received, how they were structured, and what was missing. I feel the agents work was not unnoticed and that someone took advantage of our attention to the glyphs.

It is widely speculated that the sequences that came with these glyphs actually came from the people within and sacrificed to Tecthulhu. That it was them calling out for help and for the factions to come together to stop the completion of the weapon. Whether or not this is true we have not proven but the fact they were released before Tecthulhu shows a sort of foreshadowing. Help Us Save Us All, Abandon Fear Defend Future Together, Change Perspective Begin New Struggle and so many more messages focused on putting our differences aside, in my opinion, to stop Oliver. We were given desperate messages of change suddenly, and we listened to them in the Anomaly. Noir had us working together, changing ourselves in order to keep Tecthulhu from possibly destroying us... Faction differences were put aside for a time.... That in itself may bring many agents to question the way things are now.

These glyphs certainly bring more questions than answers and I could go on and on about what I think each of them mean but then I would be writing far too much for this discussion. I will simply say, I do not think we have enough sequences with them to determine what each of them truly means. With the introduction of N’zeer and Us though, I feel we are seeing another side of the Glyphs. In some way, it’s more balanced now but also more unbalanced. For the longest time we have only seen Shapers, and in ways only seen one side of the glyphs... With this release, I feel the glyphs will resonate with more agents, and encourage both sides to look further into the glyphs. I know so far, it has encouraged many to explore them further and I hope that it continues.

@Metamorphis / Enlightened
All these glyphs were deciphered and are known long before. They are well documented in the Glyphtionary by agent @SK8ZION. The glyphs emerged in our scanners October 29th 2016, four days after the glimpse of a machine, meanwhile known as Techthulu. It could be that Oliver Lynton-Wolfe was involved while he worked on the machine, activating it. We have just begun to listen.

@thedeacon1972 / Resistance
Like many agents I spoke to, I think we have come to a turning point in the history of humanity, making it necessary for us to reflect about where we came from and where we want to go. The Shapers and the N’Zeer want to make this clear and address us more openly with these new glyphs.

“N’Zeer” and “Us” need no further explanation - like the lately appearing glyph for “you,” they’re making it easier to communicate. But they also make the glyph messages more personal. While the older glyph sequences resemble common advices, the new ones seem to be more directed towards us.

The other glyphs seem to form pairs. I start with “Abandon” and “Begin,” which correlate closely. You have to abandon your old ways to begin something new, They give a clear hint at the turning point at which we are.

“Legacy” and “Knowledge” form the next pair. From our legacy comes our knowledge. Knowledge about what we have done right or wrong in the past. From this heritage, this legacy, we should draw our conclusions, learn accordingly and move forward.

And finally, we have “Destination” and “Perspective.” For humanity, it’s important to have a goal, a destination, to look forward to. We as a race suffer from a perspective problem: most of us look no farther than the tip of our nose. But to evolve, to look farther, we need a bigger perspective.

To sum my thoughts up, I’d say that the new glyphs have appeared because both Shapers and N’Zeer have decided that they want to influence us more directly as they did before at this crucial point. The course of events can easily be changed at those turning points and both sides are doing everything they can to assure it’s their path that will be taken.

@GaanEden / Enlightened
For those new to Ingress and glyphing, the new glyphs were a complete shock. They didn’t know about the Glyphtionary ( For those who knew, it was a question of “Why now?” as well as memetic interpretation. I have no answers other than guesses. Techthulu is the main reason—it’s awakening—and the death/transition/evolution of Klue and Susanna. Every new glyph and glyph sequence leaves me with more questions.

I run these weekly—for the most part. If you are interested in joining in, please post in the comments. Or contact either Ishira or Metamorphis. This is Faction/Level agnostic.
Haerang Dong flint dille Edgar Allan Wright Linda Besh Andrew Krug Hank Johnson Stein Lightman H. Richard Loeb


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