Glyph Drill Down: Interrupt Message Gain Advance

Glyph Drill Down: Interrupt Message Gain Advance

Welcome to the Glyph Drill Down Roundtable. These are roundtable examinations of glyph phrases. If you are interested in joining in, please let me know in the comments. This is Faction/Level agnostic. ~@GaanEden

Glyphs are a memetic language imparting concepts to influence the human mind. In this Roundtable, we will discuss the following glyph sequence:

Interrupt Message Gain Advance

What do you think it mean? Who is the sender and what is the receiver supposed to understand? How is this glyph sequence supposed to influence the human mind?

@Enade / Enlightened
This is an interesting message... I don’t believe it comes from either the Shapers or the N’zeer. To me, this sounds like it could be from a person or group interested in subverting either (or both) the Shapers or the N’zeer. As with most glyph sequences, there just isn’t enough information given. What message is supposed to be interrupted? How could you hope to gain an advance by interrupting a message?

@thedeacon1972 / Resistance
At first glance, this seems to be a clear-cut message. My interpretation is “Intercept Message Gain Advantage.” The side who is able to listen to their enemies communication definitely will have the upper hand in a battle.

But what “MESSAGE” is meant here? Glyphs obviously not, because those can be seen by everybody who glyph-hacks a portal. But what else? Is there a line of communication between the Shapers/N´Zeer and us nobody is aware of? Will the building of a Tecthulhu for the Niantic Magnus reveal this? This would mean a lot of harm for RES, because the results of the last shard game favored the ENL. We will have to wait and see. But I wouldn´t be surprised if we´ll see the rise of an Anti-Magnus from the ranks of the RES agents soon.

@Metamorphis / Enlightened
This glyph drill down will be one of the hardest to think about. Interrupt Message Gain Advance - there’s so much to ask within this sequence.

Who, what, why, when, and where could be little helpers to give some answers. Thinking about who sends this sequence I’m sure whether Shapers nor N’Zeer would benefit from this message. What is the message which should be interrupted? There are two possibilities in my opinion. First, the dial tone in general mentioned by Devra and explored at SETI or second the Techthulu’s message. Let’s say that it’s the Techthulu’s message which should be interrupted. But why? For that question Devra Bogdanovich herself gave us a good answer. “It could destroy us all.” I have to admit that it would be an advantage to live on and not being destroyed. When did we get the sequence in our scanner? Shortly after the new year started and after Via Noir. A hint that this sequence really could be interpreted as an answer to the anomaly’s results?

Conclusion - the sequence isn’t from Shapers/N’Zeer. The Techthulu’s message must be interrupted not to gain advantage, but to avoid danger. It’s possible that Devra Bogdanovich is involved and with her maybe government.

@Ishira / Resistance
When I first read this message, I automatically took it as a command that I needed to do something. I needed to interrupt a message to gain an advance on someone. This of course is a conditioned reaction, but it’s a strong one that lapses our better judgment from time to time and does point out something interesting to me. I automatically took this as saying I needed to gain advance over someone else when there was no indication of that, and that has made me think a bit deeper on this sequence.

There is always an advantage to interrupting a message that is intended for someone else. In one context though ‘interrupt’ could actually just be listen to, or overhear. Whether it be bad or good, we learn more about the people we are around, and possibly fight with, when we hear even the simplest conversations. Surveillance is big key in finding out a person’s deepest darkest secrets, and also what their favorite color or food is to bribe them later with.

On the opposite side of this, though, is the advances we can possibly receive by preventing a message from getting to another person. Sometimes vital information can effect greatly what happens in battle and if it can be prevented, depending on the information received, we could become greatly more powerful than our enemies.

To me though, when I study and look at the sequence as I do others, I see something else. Granted, it isn’t what I saw right away, but as I compared it to others I began to really believe this is its true meaning.

Interrupt (Glyph) Messages to Gain Advance. The only true messages we get personally are our glyphs. Maybe this sequence is calling for more people to pay attention to them. To truly read into what they are saying and move past our initial beliefs or the beliefs we are being fed so that we can advance our knowledge not just on them but of their rolls within our scanners and the past of ingress. This could just be the hopeful belief of an energetic glypher, but to me... This is the only way the sequence fits with the others.

@GaanEden / Enlightened
I took a completely different POV on this than our roundtable. It’s been long posited that the messages in the portals have never been meant for humans. That when we “hack” the portal, we are overhearing a conversation. It makes sense that these memetic messages were never intended for us. Yet, here we are… hacking portals, interrupting (overhearing) conversations between different multi-dimensional factions… and gaining the information therein.

I run these every other week—for the most part. If you are interested in joining in, please post in the comments. Or contact either Ishira or Metamorphis. This is Faction/Level agnostic.

NOTE: Glyph Drill Down will be on hiatus until after Magnus Reawakens. Good luck agents!

Haerang Dong flint dille Edgar Allan Wright Linda Besh Andrew Krug Hank Johnson Stein Lightman H. Richard Loeb


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