Need confirmation.

Originally shared by Ishira “Glyph Hunter” Tsubasa

Need confirmation. This was shared in the glyph Journal moments ago. Presence and consequence has not been recorded yet. Is it possible we have new glyphs? +Ingress John Hanke​ Edgar Allan Wright​ flint dille​ H. Richard Loeb​


  1. Thank you for sharing! The glyph journal is full of new ones and as soon as I'm home I'll be able to update it

  2. Presence lie equal future consequence
    Share resistance message
    War not worth consequence
    Fear imperfect nzeer technology
    Destroy live again
    Save them
    Conflict grow war
    Share enlightenment knowledge
    Present Struggle worth strong victory
    Grow shapers presence
    Fear imperfect technology
    Create truth legacy
    Peace worth more
    Defend human lie
    Question potential mystery
    Xm share your creativity

    So far these are all confirmed


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