Glyph Drill Down: Your Message Clear Use Chaos

Glyph Drill Down: Your Message Clear Use Chaos

Welcome to the Glyph Drill Down Roundtable. These are roundtable examinations of glyph phrases. If you are interested in joining in, please let me know in the comments. This is Faction/Level agnostic. ~@GaanEden

Glyphs are a memetic language imparting concepts to influence the human mind. In this Roundtable, we will discuss the following glyph sequence:

Your Message Clear Use Chaos

Given what has come before, what do you think this phrase means? What is the receiver supposed to understand? Does it matter who the sender is? How is this glyph sequence supposed to influence the human mind?

@Gargish / Enlightened
I see two interpretations of this message, depending on how the words are separated, it could be either:

Your Message (is) Clear: Use Chaos, which would make it a reply or acknowledgement to a previous message which, in direct or indirect form advocates the use or spreading of chaos.

Or, in the sense of:

Your Message: Clear, Use Chaos. This would be a command sequence. We have seen sequences before which start with Clear, to prepare a blank slate in the mind, followed by another command.

In both cases, the sequence is about using Chaos. Chaos itself can be good or bad, it can be creativity, or beneficial disruption, but it can also mean power and possible destruction. I’m leaning to the dark meaning of power, seeing this as interpretation of either a maybe misunderstood previous command or as it coming after the Clear command which in itself is in some way destructive.

As for the sender and receiver, this would be a communication between two entities. I think it fits the interaction between Oliver Lynton-Wolfe and the Tecthulhu. Both interpretations could have been part of the dialog between the two. However, this would have been the result of the known mind of OLW. With a different mind, the outcome might have been creative chaos.

@Daeniem / Resistance
We have learned, as agents, that the reading of the Glyphs is done according to the writing of Western languages, namely from left to right. In this case, we can read and interpret the message as an exhortation: You must clean up your message through the use of chaos.

Chaos considered, in my interpretation, as a natural element necessary for the evolution of every species on earth.

Just like after the eruptions of the volcanoes - that we can easily consider the worst chaos that nature has to offer, both on a local scale (powders, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and of course lava and pyroclastic) and on a planetary scale (acid rain and nuclear Winters) - the soil becomes fertile and rich in life, first for plants, and then for the animals of these and thanks to these they nourish.

So also our message can penetrate, spread, and reach others only if, through chaos, what already exists is dispersed.

In this interpretation, I consider the meaning of this message as most probably aligned with N’Zeer. If we make sure that human civilizations have been helped and sponsored by the Shapers, then someone who invites to use chaos as a transitional stage and preparatory to something different, better, again.

I, therefore, assume that the recipients of this request are the Resistance agents, called to spread the message of the N’eer to every other mind and heart on earth. There is, however, another way in which one can try to interpret the glyphs of exogenous entities and have come to the knowledge through reflection on the Sequence Glyph Studies. This method uses intersections between glyphs to see what, their overlapping, how to generate and what they mean, and what they mean, can be considered under the main message / sequence.

So, we can try reading the sequence in the order we prefer. By following this type of inquiry, we could say that: Your message / mission : clean up those who use chaos.

In this sense, the message seems to come from the Shapers, addressed to Illuminati agents, who have to stop the N’zeer, or the one who, in their opinion, uses chaos as a weapon or tool.

@Metamorphis / Enlightened
This glyph drill down sequence made me brain headaches. It’s part of the new sequences emerged during the event at Navarro Camp, well documented by Ishira and fellow agents.

Your Message Clear Use Chaos - who is “you” is asked myself immediately. As an enlightened agent I thought about Roland Jarvis’ redemption speech.

“Once you have begun to see the true world and hear the true message, your life will change. You will become a rock, a cornerstone. You will find calm where before, there was chaos.”

But who is the sender of this sequence? It seems to me that someone or something want to talk to Jarvis. Whispering:”You’re on the right track. Keep on sending your message of true enlightenment.” I only can speculate about it but I guess the Shapers calling in need for more sensitives manifesting in the ultimate.

@Ishira / Resistance
The Navarro Glyphs certainly are interesting with their messages. To me, these sequences seem more scattered than most and challenge us to dig further into them. To their core, they are the same though with multiple meanings and ways they can be interpreted. For this sequence, I have two messages I see that I will discuss; Your message is a clear use of chaos and Your message is clear, use chaos.

With your message is a clear use of chaos, I feel like we are being accused and forced to take responsibility for something negative. This is of course if the messages are directed to us. To me there’s a clear tone of judgment, as if there is no other meaning to our message and that we knew that our message would be taken this way and had full intention of it being chaotic. Like we are being lectured again...

In this context, it seems like a closed statement, one that can’t be argued and thus puts us in a category or corner we have no choice to be in. Personally, I do not handle being told anything I do or say is wrong or bad in any way. I do not like when others can’t acknowledge that what I do is more than just chaotic. So to me, this sequence would push me to prove that what I was doing wasn’t just simply a use of chaos. For others, I could see it pushing them to become more chaotic and to care less of what others may think...

With Your message is clear, use chaos it seems as if we are being to communicate with whoever is sending the glyphs. It sounds like we are finally getting a response, being told we are being heard... But the second part of the message doesn’t make sense to me. Use chaos? It makes me truly wonder who they believe they are talking to and whether or not the message is truly meant for us.

It made me dig deeper into the message and doing another sequence study on it outside of this drill down. When I did that I found this sequence lacks any other Glyphs that would describe who or what this sequence is directed to. The glyphs that represent human, Shapers, N’zeer, enlightenment, or resistance are nowhere close to being finished... And while I know I’ve argued in the past there were better ways to represent us or show that these sequences were meant for us by using these Glyphs, I feel as if the lack of these Glyphs in the design of this sequence is still pointing to the sequence possibly not being meant for us. Glyphs are far too put together in my opinion and nothing is entirely random with them.

When I read the sequence in both these ways my biggest questions are what message is being referenced? And what or why is it remotely considered chaotic? It’s seems negative in either light and worries me...I can’t see either side sending this to us, though it could be argued that it’s bickering between factions... But I am not so sure.

@GaanEden / Enlightened
It seems the more we learn the less we know. What do you think of this roundtable and the thoughts therein?

I run these once a month. If you are interested in joining in, please post in the comments. Or contact either Ishira or Metamorphis. This is Faction/Level agnostic.
Haerang Dong flint dille Edgar Allan Wright Linda Besh Andrew Krug Hank Johnson Stein Lightman H. Richard Loeb John Hanke


  1. While I'm very pleased by the release of the new Glyphs that have directed the sequences with you, me, them, etc. I find it not coincidental that when it comes to the composition of these sequences that are original descriptive glyphs are missing. It feels as if we were heard but not answered... As if our questions were not thorough enough.


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