I know it's not story related. Please let it stand. It 's for the good of Ingress. At least, I think.

I know it's not story related. Please let it stand. It 's for the good of Ingress. At least, I think.

Originally shared by Andreas Decker (thedeacon1972)

Dear Ingress agents,

we all know that there are cheaters among us. Some of them have been exposed recently, others will remain hidden for a while longer.

Niantic has acted very seldom and mostly not at all when we reported them. Understandably, this has led to a feeling of resignation and dejection. Why should we act against cheaters if nothing derives from our actions? But imho, this is not the right path to take.

We as players must show Niantic that we still care for our game. We - players who act fair and square - are the overwhelming majority. We should tell Niantic we're still there. And we should do so by using COMM.

Set your Comm to global next time when you open your scanner and tell them: We play hard, play tough, play fair.

Tell them this when you capture a portal.
Tell them this when you close a field.
Tell them this before you close your scanner.

Share this post. Spread the word. Let's get our game back.


  1. Speaking for Isthmus - in general terms, just like Operation Essex​​​, we keep Project Isthmus​​​ free from non story (official or fan) things, so that its a safe haven.

    This is a good original post by you Andreas Decker​​​ and in your reshare here you note that its not the usual content, and you explicitly ask it stays. You're a fantastic agent and community member, someone we support and someone who's likewise supported us. Your post is in no way offensive nor derogatory to any group or person. Certainly we will keep it posted here as you ask.

    Thank you for being a good partner over the years.

    We will make this be the only post related to this topic though, and make sure any discussion on the topic is limited to this thread. (This includes our chats.)

    Speaking personally - Like any agent who cares about Ingress​​​, I have a lot of thoughts on this topic. However, I do not have much capacity for #Ingress related time - intensive social media, or even in-game events these days. (Unless they include a badge, like #Exo5Controller because badges are my favorite part of the game 😂) Consequently I've just been lurking.

    Matt / @BigMatty


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