Glyph Drill Down: Together Progress Recharge Present Journey

Glyph Drill Down: Together Progress Recharge Present Journey

Welcome to the final Glyph Drill Down Roundtable. These are roundtable examinations of glyph phrases. This investigation is Faction/Level agnostic. ~@GaanEden

Glyphs are a memetic language imparting concepts to influence the human mind. In this Roundtable, we will discuss the following glyph sequence:

Together Progress Recharge Present Journey

Given what has come before, what do you think this phrase means? What is the receiver supposed to understand? Does it matter who the sender is? How is this glyph sequence supposed to influence the human mind?

@BigMatty / Enlightened
I read this glyph sequence as two portions “together progress” and “recharge present journey.” I take this first portion to mean that “together” both Enlightened and Resistance travel down the same path. That is not to imply that they desire the same outcome, nor does it imply they do not—simply that for this portion they are both present. For me it does imply, though, that it’s the interaction between the two force that is important. That is to say, the glyph is not concerned about them in a void. Progress denotes that—wherever (whatever plain of existence) the two factions are, they are moving—and in the same direction.

Recharge here means to replace any amount that was taken. But—any amount of what? For that, we look to the last two words “present journey.” On a journey, people can experience tangible things such as gifts, or mementos. Likewise, on a journey, people experience intangible things, such as thoughts, emotions, and feelings. In this context, even if a journey is considerably already underway—the opportunity to gain things one would gain on “a journey” is restored. This makes the journey rich, more so than if measured at the outset.

Combining the two portions, Enlightened and Resistance’s dynamic of interaction serves to maximize the journey Agents take.

@Theronata / Resistance
This sequence, given recent circumstances, seems to be one meant to bring people together. Whether that be the Resistance and the Enlightened, or Agents and the NIA, I’m uncertain. I’m hopeful that it’s a message for both factions.

I read this message as an investigative message: We (together) need to progress and re-focus (recharge) in our present journey, which in my eyes would mean our investigation. There are still so many questions to answer and riddles to solve. It’s almost a sequence set to remind us there’s so much more to discover.

Could it be one of our old friends (like Klue or Susannah Moyer) trying to get us back on the path of answers? It doesn’t feel like a message that the Shapers or N’zeer would purposely send to those trying to find their secrets out. So, I believe that someone else is influencing the Glyphs to deliver a message.

@Metamorphis / Enlightened
This sequence has three glyphs with several containing definitions. ‘Progress’ can be understood as ‘success’ or ‘evolution.’ ‘Recharge’ could mean ‘repair’ too. And ‘present’ has the meaning ‘now’ in addition. It seems we have the clear message ‘together journey.’ So, using the scanner or investigate the truth behind the Niantic Project, you should include your teammates and agents. By doing that, you will progress step by step. Sharing your experiences with others will heal (recharge) you immediately (now). The power is within you!

For me, it’s a motivational sequence I like listen to. I want to believe the Shapers are speaking to each of us.

@Ishira / Resistance
I am going to go full out on this one. What I mean by that is I’ve put the sequence together to get a greater understanding of it and observe the composition of the sequence as a whole. Like the other Drill downs, I will approach this sequence from two different perspectives and also use the composition or secondary glyphs to support the context I’m focused on. So, let’s begin.

Together we progress the recharge of the present journey. I feel in this context we are being told to continue what we are doing. Our efforts are making an impact so we need to get back up and continue our work. This sounds like something a partner or leader would say to us as we feel run down by the journey we have already taken. It has deteriorated our resolve to a point that we are just seeing the imperfections in our work rather than what we have achieved so we are given these words to help us move down the path and progress in our journey. We are motivation for this journey, the feel, and strength of it. If we stop, it will not continue and that is something that we are being told can’t happen.

Together we need to progress and recharge before the present journey ahead. The past journey has taken its toll on us. In this context, it seems like whoever is the subject of it has worked themselves to the point of being unable to do much more in their state. They are being asked to stop and work together to ensure that their next steps are in progress and that they are fit for the journey ahead. Maybe the context is even calling for them to progress within themselves in order to recharge or nourish themselves before they continue. To me, it sounds more like an agent concerned about the other, or maybe even a lecture about how someone cannot take this journey alone and needs to consider the support of others.

Looking at the full list of glyphs in this sequence I have to question who this sequence is for. Like others, it has no context directing us to who it is talking about in the main sequence, we have to dig into the secondary glyphs to get this information. Human, Shapers, N’zeer, Resistance, and Enlightenment are not present in the secondaries. Mind and soul are absent as well, but body is present and so is civilization and live. Whoever this sequence is referring to is alive, but it isn’t clear that it’s us, or even the N’zeer and Shapers. The only thing that is even hinted is that there may possibly be a civilization. Because of that I can’t say this is clearly a sequence meant for us, let alone sent by either N’zeer or Shapers. There are clear glyphs that could have been used to help us better understand the message but that would highly depend on when these sequences were actually created before they entered our scanner.

It is possible they are talking about the N’zeer and Shapers. Bu,t at the time this sequence was made, maybe they weren’t called N’zeer or Shapers… Maybe there wasn’t a glyph for them yet. Either way, I don’t believe this message from them or either side. I feel it’s again a message that can resonate with all agents and can be read differently from either side. I do not believe any of the glyph messages that come through the glyph game are for us. I truly believe we are simply listening and maybe in the future more sequences will come to prove or disprove. Until then, I am certain there are better glyphs that can be used to communicate with us.

@GaanEden / Enlightened
I chose this sequence as the final in the Glyph Drill Downs because it’s one of unity. All agents are in this journey together—whether we like it or not. What we do with our future is up to us. Perhaps it is the journey itself that is the most important.

I want to thank every single agent who has participated in the Glyph Drill Downs since its inception. I also want a give a huge thank you and kudos to Ishira and Metamorphis who proved themselves to be invaluable as my seconds on this project.

I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did.

Haerang Dong flint dille Edgar Allan Wright Andrew Krug Hank Johnson Stein Lightman H. Richard Loeb John Hanke


  1. Can't believe its the FINAL one! It's been quite an amazing run... :-)

  2. Thank you Jennifer Brozek​ for this awesome mind journey, love every single episode you published!

  3. Thankyou so much Jennifer Brozek​!!!! Each drill down was an amazing experience that challenged me to think about the structure of each of these sequences. I loved each one. <3

  4. Thank you for all the awesome discussions!


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