
Archetype Round Table

Hello everyone and welcome to the Archetype Roundtable! This is run primarily by Ariel Diana with a little help from myself. Thank you Jennifer Brozek for giving us the ideas and help to set this up!

This roundtable was setup to help provide some insights and delve further into the archetypes in the Ingress storyline. Archetypes are almost like a character’s role or generalized attitude in a story or setting. The members of this roundtable include both Resistance and Enlightened agents and we hope to post them at the end of each month!

This session is in regards to the Trickster Archetype which is currently portrayed by Misty Hannah in the storyline, until a new Magnus is created. Now onto the discussion and questions!

1) What do you think of when you hear "Trickster Archetype"?

Arielsmurfeater (Enlightened):
For me, when I hear Trickster Archetype I think of of Loki, Pan, Huehuecoyotl, Coyote, Hermes, and several others considered Trickster gods and goddesses. They make people look at things in a different light by challenging (or tricking) them in different situations. This allows people to grow and learn new ideas and ways of looking at things. Yes they can make people laugh and help people learn, but they also have a darker side. This could be making people doubt themselves and their gut feelings causing them to be in an even more dangerous situation.

Ishira (Resistance):
Coyote and Crow are the first things I think about but my definition of a trickster is similar to yours. I was taught growing up that a trickster is a being that gets people to do things they may have done on their own. Normally they become like a guide, leading these people down paths they think will end them but ultimately doesn't. We usually learn life lessons through legends of a trickster and they aren't always straightforward lessons... Some are rather deep and sometimes depressing, like explaining how to handle death.

Also tricksters are often creators of things. Like I remember a story I was told growing up about how crow had stolen something in order to bring color to the world. He did so by tricking someone else. In some legends coyote does similar things but in all of them it is clear these beings trick others into either doing their biddings or to teach them hard lessons.

Relique (Enlightened):
Some gods or heroes don't rely on brute force or even flashy magic to get their way. Those gods/heroes are sly, clever, intelligent and capable of convincing you into giving them an advantage or giving them something they desire even if doing so is not to your benefit. Their weapon, often is a sly turn of a phrase, slight of hand, a glamour, disguise, or even an illusion.

I agree that some tricksters do it to teach a lesson; but others do it for laughs, for the thrill, on a whim or for entertainment.

I should mention that I often find it disturbing when I read a myth where some god, Zeus, for example, tries to adopt the role only to do something horrible, making a bad situation worse.

Kosh TheRipper (Enlightened):
When I hear the term trickster, it invokes thoughts of the raven, someone who is intelligent and clever and uses their wits.

They aren't necessarily dark or evil. They just are.

Mustafa Said (Resistance):
When I hear the Trickster Archetype, I thought of someone who could easily manipulate people and convince them to do things they wouldn't normally do without force.

Theronata (Resistance):
1&2) In my eyes, there's multiple meanings behind "Trickster" (and thus multiple meanings behind a Trickster Archetype).

There's the obvious Trickster, who you just KNOW is shady from the word "Go", either because it's their job, or because we expect it... This branch of Trickster can be good or bad. Used car salesmen, the mall survey folks, and yes... Even magicians (Sorry, Misty! <3) are of this branch.

Then there's the subtle Trickster... You can't immediately tell that they're conning you, but it comes to a slow apparency, usually when it's "too late". This branch can be good or bad as well, but has more of the tendency to slide from good to bad. Politicians are notorious subtle Tricksters, but I'm sure we've all run across others, disguised as friends or folks that want to "help" us... But wind up playing the long game for their own gain.

Then... There's a third branch. I guess I would call them the "ethical" Trickster. This one can come off as one of the other two, but can leave clues for us to figure out, and / or try to reveal their trickery before they've reached that point of no return. Their end goal is good, and serves a purpose of helping us... But they walk a very fine line of creating and destroying trust in themselves and their methods and goals. White-hat or "ethical" hackers are a prime example of this branch, as can beta testers and (depending on what show you watch) undercover cops.

Arielsmurfeater (Enlightened):
Personally I think it's interesting to see how each here can see so many varieties of the same Archetype. Not only is the current world/culture influencing people's views but also the ancient world is. Makes me wonder if that will hold true of future archetypes.

2) Do you think it fits only certain types of people?

Relique (Enlightened):
I'm of the School of thought that in order to become any archetype you have to have certain qualities that are innate to that archetype's role and that's not every trick, for example, has the same abilities. For some their abilities are based an illusion, other pure guile, slight of hand and others on a mastery if words and communication.

Mustafa Said (Resistance):
I do believe (and I believe this for all Archetypes) that not everyone can be a Trickster. Some of us can have similar qualities but for one to be a true Trickster there need to be certain things in place.

Ishira (Resistance):
When it comes to whether or not certain types of people fit the Archetype I think, yes, there's definitely people that fit it more than others, but I also think everyone has the potential. We've discussed how people are a mix of Archetypes and sometimes one stands out above the others and that at times the more dominant or up front Archetype can swift to another depending on situations. To me I see them more as personalities that aren't solidified but yet fluid and changing. I can agree that at a given point someone may fit more into the Archetype and I can agree that it could be a default for some.

Arielsmurfeater (Enlightened):
As to whether or not certain types of people fit this archetype I think the answer is simply than can fit in it but not many can actually fulfill the role to it's greatest potential. I mean many people can be a cook but only a true chef can inspire and show feelings through the food they cook and how it's presented. For someone to fill this type of roll I believe they need to be able to not only perceive the illusion but be able to convince others that what they see is or can be real..

3) Why do you think this Archetype was was chosen and how do you believe it fits within the Magnus?

Relique (Enlightened):
I believe that the trickster archetype is within an the Magnus because we live in an age where tricksters have managed to become prominent within and even subvert every form media and even our government.

Mustafa Said (Resistance):
As for why this Archetype exists in the Magnus...I'm not sure. Some, like the Catalyst and Patron I can understand but some like the Trickster, Dreamer and others not so much.

To me, question 4 ties into the previous question and for that I'm not sure.

Kosh TheRipper (Enlightened):
As for 3. I honestly think of it like an arch. It may look like not every block is important, but they're supporting the blocks around them. And it won't function as intended if all of the pieces are not in place.

Ishira (Resistance):
As far as the last two questions on why I think it's in the Magnus and if it fits. I think it's in the Magnus because my belief and definition of the Trickster is a being that challenges, guides, and teaches others through ways that may be difficult to deal with. They seem to be the realism of what the world can be like and thus bring a unique experience and knowledge to the Magnus. By all means I think they fit in the Magnus because they show that not everything is as it seems and are likely able to identify the truths and lies that others may not.

Arielsmurfeater (Enlightened):
So I think the Trickster was chosen for the Magnus is a little bit easier to answer after trying to define what it is. It is my believe that the Trickster was chosen for their ability to be able to make others perceive things in a different light.

Being able to make others see things differently is the best way that I have found of being able to be prepared for multiple situations as well as being able to make sure you've gathered any relevant data needed to make the best possible choice if needed.

Theronata (Resistance):
3) I think it's simple for the Trickster to be considered as part of the Magnus. The Magnus, both as a concept and as a physical thing, need to be hidden from the world. Tricksters tend to have a natural ability to beguile, misdirect... Allow people to perceive what the Trickster wants them to. Fueled by XM (or guided by the Exogenous), this power can be wielded to astonishing effect, ensuring that the Magnus is largely safe from prying eyes and minds. Of course, the Trickster may not be beholden to the Magnus if their will is too strong, or their motivations too different. Behold the double edged sword that is the Trickster...

When the opportunity arose to be able to speak with Misty Hannah on July 21, 2017, we wanted to get Misty’s responses to the same questions that we were asking ourselves in regards to the Trickster Archetype that she was chosen to represent. Below are the questions Relique was able to ask Misty, along with her responses.

Question 1: Do you think only certain types of people can fit the Trickster archetype?

Misty: I think you're either prone to it or you're not. It is not something you can choose or will yourself you be.

Question 2: Why did you think the Trickster archetype was chosen for the Magnus.

Misty: Because the Trickster archetype is the best of the 13.

Question 3: How does the Trickster archetype fit with the other archetypes of a Magnus?

Misty: I think it's simply one piece of a thirteen-part puzzle. How does any of piece fit with all the others?

Thank you to everyone that Participated in our first Archetype Drill Down! We look forward to further discussions on the Archetypes of Ingress! We will be posting these discussions at the end of each month.If your interested in these discussions please get a hold of +Ariel Diana or myself.

flint dille Edgar Allan Wright Andrew Krug Hank Johnson Misty Hannah H. Richard Loeb John Hanke Jeff Coleman Mario Valenzuela II Mustafa Said Kosh TheRipper


  1. I love Misty Hannah​ response to question 2 and really expected no less of an answer

  2. Ohhhhh lordy. Ish, how to i fit my 21 pages of notes in here. Hahaha. I hate my brain...but it gave me super powers. So. I guess its an ok trade off. But. Ill tell you all about the glorious rabbit hole that i tripped face-first in to yesterday 👍👍👍

  3. Ishira Tsubasa hahaha how many hundred comments? Lollll :)

  4. I enjoy reading people's thoughts and I tend to produced walls of text with most my studies lol

  5. Kirs M she's not joking. she does. lol


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