Archetype Round Table

Archetype Round Table

Hello everyone and welcome to the Archetype Round Table! This discussion is run jointly by Ishira Tsubasa and myself.

This round table was setup to help provide some insights and delve further into the archetypes in the Ingress story line. Archetypes are almost like a character’s role or generalized attitude in a story or setting. The members of this round table include both Resistance and Enlightened agents and we hope to post them at the end of each month!

The members of this round table includes both Resistance and Enlightened agents. This session is in regards to the Omniscient Archetype which is currently portrayed by ADA in the story line, until a new Magnus is created.

1) What do you think of when you hear Omniscient Archetype?

Relique (Enlightened):
When I hear Omniscient i think of a know it all, or someone who sits in the center of a info gathering network. They often tend to be the brains of an operation and if they don't run it they often are close to those who do.

Arielsmurfeater (Enlightened):
I can actually see why ADA was chosen for this archetype. Most people think Omniscient as all knowing (including past, present and future events/knowledge), however that isn't a reality unless you know every possible outcome of every possible option given in every possible situation. However when looking at the archetype Omniscient I think of someone/something that knows all of history and current events, and uses that knowledge to help guide others to what would be the best course of action based on past and current knowledge.

Ishira (Resistance):
What I think about when I hear Omniscient I think about something or someone that has and understanding or knowledge about an situation that most don't. Reaching Omniscience has always been portrayed to me as having to have died essentially or reached to the ends of our time here because before that we do not have the knowledge we have gained in our journey. Now whether I agree on that or not is difficult to answer....

Mustafa Said (Resistance):
When I hear the Omniscient Archetype, I think of someone with a vast wealth of knowledge that they can glean from at any moment, the ability to see all things in incredible detail.

Kosh TheRipper (Enlightened):
I think of a digital assistant like the Google Gnome or Amazon's Alexa.

Theronata (Resistance):
The first thing I have to say is this: We shouldn't link omniscience to malevolence. When I hear "omniscient", I think of someone that tries to use their knowledge for the betterment (or at least sustained survival) of those around them. I know that's not always the case, but I'm a "glass half full" type.

2) Do you think it fits only certain types of people?

Relique (Enlightened):
I don't think everyone can have the potentially to be omniscient. Sure there are some people who potentially be considered omniscient due to having vast networks of people giving them information, their intelligence, trivial knowledge, memory retention, or have access to the best search engines, but not everyone is capable of being one.

Arielsmurfeater (Enlightened):
I don't think everyone would fit this archetype because I feel there is a lot of responsibilities and pressure to know what is the best course of action or to have the answer for every question. It takes certain people or personalities to be able to handle what comes with this archetype without "cracking".

Ishira (Resistance):
I think yes there are types of people that do fit into this category because as I said before to some extent I don't think you have to reach to a certain age to become potentially omniscient. I think those that challenge the worlds views and take a natural neutral stance to gain knowledge from all sides have the potential and fit this category more.

Mustafa Said (Resistance):
No. I believe that anyone could possess it. It seems to me that enough XM Exposure or a connection with the Portal Network could grant a person this ability.

Kosh TheRipper (Enlightened):
I think that it could apply to a person who is also under the influence of cognitive enhancing drugs.

Theronata (Resistance):
On this one, I'd have to say it takes a certain kind of individual to fit the role properly. Sure, lots of people can know lots of things... But not everyone could know literally EVERYTHING. I feel like an Omniscient would lead a lonely life, punctuated by brief bursts of people coming in and out to get their questions answered and leaving right on the heels of those answers. Not everyone can handle that. Not everyone can handle knowing all that is knowable... That probably stirs up some interesting "monsters" from the depths from the psyche...

3) Why do you think this Archetype was was chosen and how do you believe it fits within the Magnus?

Relique (Enlightened):
We live in the information age. If you don't have someone paying attention ti all the news, gossip, rumors, etc you are dooming yourself. Information is power and those who control it or can manipulate it for their own benefit wield nasty weapons that can cause massive amounts of ruin.

Arielsmurfeater (Enlightened):
I believe this archetype would be in any and has been in all Magnus' because it is someone/something that is similar to a mentor. One that guides and advises the others to help them either find their correct path or to get them where they need to be to be able to make an informed decision.

Ishira (Resistance):
I think it's important to have someone that can look at all sides of a situation in any group that is supposed to make a difference. It like having the facts of everything so that you can make clear decisions and that is something that a Magnus needs.

Mustafa Said (Resistance):
I think it was chosen because the Omniscient could be a type of tracker when it came to seeking out Primal Objects or enemies of the Magnus.

Kosh TheRipper (Enlightened):
It was chosen because to me it seems to be able to augment the other archetypes involved.

Theronata (Resistance):
This is the simplest to answer, I think: Knowledge is both power and survival. Magnuses (Magnii?) can be long-lived, or they can form quickly. The long-lived ones need that person to be able to tell the rest about the world as it changes around them, to keep up with the times as to not be so woefully out of place should they have to venture out. The quickly-formed Magnii (let's go with that) will need that central point to learn about what they're involved in, and how to function. Again, knowledge is power, knowledge is survival... Knowledge is the Omniscient's shield and sword, and they can wield them to dramatic effect.

Thank you to everyone that participated in this month's Archetype Drill Down! We look forward to further discussions on the Archetypes of Ingress! We will be posting these discussions at the end of each month. If your interested in these discussions please get a hold of Ishira Tsubasa or myself.

flint dille Edgar Allan Wright Andrew Krug Hank Johnson H. Richard Loeb John Hanke Jeff Coleman Mario Valenzuela II Mustafa Said Kosh TheRipper


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