
Archetype Round Table

Hello everyone and welcome to the Archetype Roundtable! This is run primarily by Ariel Diana with a little help from myself. Thank you Jennifer Brozek for giving us the ideas and help to set this up!

This roundtable was setup to help provide some insights and delve further into the archetypes in the Ingress storyline. Archetypes are almost like a character’s role or generalized attitude in a story or setting. The members of this roundtable include both Resistance and Enlightened agents and we hope to post them at the end of each month!

This roundtable was setup to help provide some insights and delve further into the archetypes in the Ingress storyline. Archetypes are almost like a character’s role or generalized attitude in a story or setting.

The members of this roundtable includes both Resistance and Enlightened agents.This session is in regards to the Skeptic Archetype which is currently portrayed by Martin Schubert in the storyline, until a new Magnus is created.

1) What do you think of when you hear “Skeptic Archetype”?

Arielsmurfeater (Enlightened):
When I think of a Skeptic, I think of someone that is always trying to prove anything that is stated as a fact, wrong. This could be a good thing in one way because it makes people look at things outside of how they first see them. Also allows them to consider the consequences of their actions or possible benefits they hadn't thought of earlier.

Ishira (Resistance)
When I think of the word skeptic I think of someone who is always questioning rather than believing. The more logical of the bunch that maybe doesn't believe past what their eyes can see or personally believe. Someone who needs experience in whatever the situation is to really understand or believe that it's possible. They look at facts of the entire situation in order to make an informed decision that isn't relied on spiritual belief or personal belief.

Theronata (Resistance):
The Skeptic is not someone who doesn't believe... The Skeptic is someone who doesn't believe blindly. They're the voice of reason, the Devil's advocate... They're the logical, calculating mind that wants all of the information first before making a final call. Going into battle alongside a Skeptic may seem to be an impossible task, as they're always questioning and looking for answers that seem counter to all you want to do. But behind the questions and "insolence" is a wise mind that wants to look at a situation from all angles, and might offer something that winds up better.

KoshTheRipper (Enlightened):
Skeptic to me draws mental images of Agent Scullly in the first few seasons of the x files, how she always attempts to use science to explain things.

Relique (Enlightened):
In my opinion, the skeptic archetype is "the worst." It is an archetype filled up with people who's so existence is to squash the dreams of individuals who believe anything is possible, anything can and should be done, regardless of the costs and risks involved. Their motto is essentially "you can't, you shouldn't, and please don't." They are naysayers, they are kill joys, and worse, they logical to the point where you have to prove to them that something is possible before they will even take you on your world and let you try it.

Athafil (Resistance):
I have always a bad feeling under my skin. Too many times the skeptic has been the person who often deny things even when they are evident in front of him/her.

2) Do you think it fits only certain types of people?

Arielsmurfeater (Enlightened):
I think that everyone has a little bit of a Skeptic in them, however a lot of people like to look at only their ideas and their reasoning for them. It takes a special person that can focus on different things and see possible outcomes, even if they are negative.

Ishira (Resistance)
I think skeptic it works for very logical people.. Ones determined to get right down to the source. I think it can also be present in leaders as they try to make informed decisions for not just themselves but others as well.

Theronata (Resistance):
I feel like anyone can be a "good" nay-sayer, going against the grain and always refuting an opinion or standpoint... But being a good Skeptic requires more thought behind their position, actual concrete fact and evidence to support their platform, and a willingness to adopt and adapt if they need to. Skeptics can be brought around to the position they were trying to refute... But it almost takes another Skeptic to counter them!

KoshTheRipper (Enlightened):
I think that it applies to anyone who applies science to things that seem a bit against mainstream thought.

Relique (Enlightened):
Thankfully, not everyone can be a skeptic because discoveries are often made by those who take risks without cold science fact or a ridgid theory. Sometimes discoveries are made on a whim while skeptics stand in the wayside amazed by what they just witnessed.

Athafil (Resistance):
Absolutely, only grumpy people.

3) Why do you think this Archetype was was chosen and how do you believe it fits within the Magnus?

Arielsmurfeater (Enlightened):
I think the Skeptic is an important part of the Magnus because it helps to keep the Magnus' goals a bit more realistic or grounded. The Skeptic can also help in prioritizing the goals of the Magnus because they can help point out issues that could cause a specific goal to take more time.

Ishira (Resistance)
I believe it's in the Magnus because it is the anchor in a way for the Magnus. Someone who is able to question the possibilities of the problem that has arised for them and able to bring an unbiased voice to the table. I think it's important for the Magnus because if we simply just went off our guts and not fact then it's very possible we would lead ourselves down the wrong path.

Theronata (Resistance):
A Skeptic would be good for handling jumps in time, changes in the surrounding humanity. Perhaps a Skeptic helps 'translate' the things an Omniscient can tell about a situation... In short, a Skeptic would excel in analysis and proper handling of a situation that could very easily be different or opposite than its outward appearance.

KoshTheRipper (Enlightened):
It was chosen to provide both a sense of explaining things logically and as a way of balancing some of the more "mystic" archetypes. Ingress had always been about duality and the skeptic provides that facet.

Relique (Enlightened):
Skeptics are like that wet blanket you keep around to put out fires or more precisely they are akin to a safety switch. If you are afraid of what kind of chaos a bunch of dreamers, tricksters, and alchemists would create when left to their own devices, you throw a skeptic at them to wrangle, baby sit, and to prevent prevent a catastrophe from occuring. If you don't you may end up with an epiphany night. Either way, after all the fires are extinguished, and the wreckage is removed, they will write up a report about what they saw and call it science.

Athafil (Resistance):
it was chosen to give a Balance to the Magnus to be a full around circle of all human attitude and point of view.

Thank you to everyone that Participated in our third Archetype Drill Down! We look forward to further discussions on the Archetypes of Ingress! We will be posting these discussions at the end of each month.If your interested in these discussions please get a hold of Ariel Diana or myself.

flint dille Edgar Allan Wright Andrew Krug Hank Johnson Misty Hannah H. Richard Loeb John Hanke Jeff Coleman n Mario Valenzuela II Kosh TheRipper #ingress #archetyperoundtable


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