Archetype Roundtable

Archetype Roundtable

Hello everyone and welcome to the Archetype Round Table! This discussion is run jointly by Ishira Tsubasa and myself.

This roundtable was setup to help provide some insights and delve further into the archetypes in the Ingress storyline. Archetypes are almost like a character’s role or generalized attitude in a story or setting.

The members of this roundtable includes both Resistance and Enlightened agents.This session is in regards to the Humanist Archetype which is currently portrayed by Yuri Alaric Nagassa in the storyline, until a new Magnus is created.

1) What do you think of when you hear “Humanist Archetype”?

Arielsmurfeater (Enlightened):
The Humanist makes me think of someone others might call the eternal optimist. I feel that this archetype will always believe that humanity will survive no matter how good or how bad things get. Seeing others not just as they are but as what they can become, while at the same time accepting a person's flaws because the Humanist understands that no one is perfect. I see this archetype as someone that is always looking for opportunities to learn from and/or teach others.

Ishira (Resistance):
When I think of humanist I think of some one who is always doing something for the benefit of the Humans. As in, their focus is strictly on humans and how their relationships with each other work outside of outside influence. By outside influences I of course mean the Exogenous in this case but also technology. To me its like they don't necessarily care about anything else, their focus is on them and this is potentially dangerous in my opinion. What happens around us or to us greatly changes how we are. Outside influences can be important in our own growth.

Leorobin (Resistance):
The humanist, as I think of it, seeks the well being and interest of humanity and humans over the environment, personal gain or established system. It is often an extremist archetype, neglecting the external consequences when seeking the best for humanity.

Athafil (Resistance):
Humanist make me think of someone who wants to know more and to fell humanity. To really "taste the marrow of life". It is the embodiment of the person who first think about others. In a sort of way it is the embodiment of the heart chakra. I really like the quote of "devil's advocate" in which "he" says that he is the greatest humanist because he loves humanity in all it aspect - both positive and negative. He accepts everything because he know it is part of what defines the humanity as a whole.

Relique (Enlightened):
Humanists are humanitarians, individuals who strive to improve the human condition and seek to improve our civilization through societal means . They are empaths, teachers, humanitarians, etc and often are considered selfless and generous.

Kosh TheRipper (Enlightened):
I can answer this in two words... Mother Theresa

2) Do you think it fits only certain types of people?

Arielsmurfeater (Enlightened):
Honestly I think everyone to some degree is a Humanist but there are those that are very evidently Humanist and that is the strongest archetype in their personality. Others you may not even get a hint of Humanist in them but I believe it's buried way down deep. Mainly I feel this way because I think everyone has something that they are hopeful for, like a brighter or better future for example.

Ishira (Resistance):
I don't want to be rude but when I think of Humanist outside of ingress I normally find those that fit under this category are selfish. I have found quite a few I think would classify themselves as Humanist that are very self centered and unwilling to budge in their opinions. Discussions about anything other than what they deem fitting is a bit of a headache. On the other side of this though I have also found very caring Humanists. People who want to better their communities and are willing to do anything to do that. People who are focussed on helping everyone, not just specific groups of people.

Leorobin (Resistance):
While it might seem selfless, the personality associated with it is often driven by it's own values and ideals of what is best. An humanist is not selfish, but what is important is relatively to it's own perceived needs for everyone else. There is some I don't really think it would fit an specific type of person but those with that mindset. Strongwilled and driven individuals are often identified with this archetype. Being concerned about others and seeking the general good is part of its regular interactions.

Athafil (Resistance):
As Humanist is the background of all Human being, I would says that all of us are partially humanist but everybody develops only part of it . So using the metaphor of a full humanist as a full grown corn plant, many people express just different parts of him Roots sometimes, dark brown peeling, or maybe a ripe corn.

Relique (Enlightened):
Only certain individuals fit within this archetype because to be a humanist one needs to have a sense of empathy and must be sympathetic towards others regardless of their background.

Kosh TheRipper (Enlightened):
I think that it can fit to anyone who's doing Selfless acts for the benefit of humanity and not of themselves.

3) Why do you think this Archetype was was chosen and how do you believe it fits within the Magnus?

Arielsmurfeater (Enlightened):
I think the Humanist is needed in any Magnus because it helps to keep the Magnus grounded and in touch with the world around them. Otherwise the Magnus could be isolated and not realize the effects (both positive and negative) that their actions could have on those living on in the same realm. Also I feel the Humanist would be a good moderator between other Magnus members if there is a debate/argument that needs to be worked out or settled.

Ishira (Resistance):
I think this Archetype is important because it, like Skeptic, brings reality to the table but with clearer goals. It's the voice saying, we need to better ourselves and protect those we love, with the focus being on the well being of human kind. I think it's important to have some one focussing on our civilizations and the effects that happen to just humans because of course the Magnus is here to help us. It's important to have a focus and I feel Humanist is that focus. The voice that says 'Remember who we are doing this for'.

Leorobin (Resistance):
When thinking about prominent or at least easily recognizable individuals and their archetypes, the humanist is a popular reference for philantropists and those involved in activism. It fits as a tilting factor, pointing the Magnus towards humans benefit, without consideration of where this benefit comes from.

Athafil (Resistance):
Humanist was chosen to be the hearth of Magnus, and to be an Human hearth. This shows that the Magnus was made to put together the two different point of view, which are needed to grow. Humanity needs both RES and ENL sides to grows.

Relique (Enlightened):
Plain and simple, balances out the spiritualist. If a magnus did not have a humanist, it would neglect issue dealing with humanity's future in and the well being of our civilization.

Kosh TheRipper (Enlightened):
Every group needs a healer.

Thank you to everyone that participated in this month's Archetype Drill Down! We look forward to further discussions on the Archetypes of Ingress! We will be posting these discussions at the end of each month. If your interested in these discussions please get a hold of +Ishira Tsubasa or myself.

flint dille Edgar Allan Wright Andrew Krug Hank Johnson H. Richard Loeb John Hanke


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