Archetype Roundtable

Archetype Roundtable

Hello everyone and welcome to the Archetype Round Table! This discussion is run jointly by +Ishira Tsubasa and myself.

This roundtable was setup to help provide some insights and delve further into the archetypes in the Ingress storyline. Archetypes are almost like a character’s role or generalized attitude in a story or setting.

The members of this roundtable includes both Resistance and Enlightened agents.This session is in regards to the Explorer Archetype which is currently portrayed by Hank Johnson in the storyline, until a new Magnus is created.

1) What do you think of when you hear “Explorer Archetype”?

Arielsmurfeater (Enlightened):
When I think of an Explorer I think of someone who not just goes out into the world looking at new places or re-examining previously known locations, but also of someone who looks at a given situation and looks for new and untested ways to solve that situation.

Ishira (Resistance):
When I think about the archetype Explorer I think about our history because honestly it doesn't seem like we have great Explorers anymore. I also think about kids stories, since most of them are centered around an exploring type character and the fact that most shows, books, etc are just the same. They all have an Explorer withing them.

Leorobin (Resistance):
It makes me think of broadening horizons and looking for new places, expanding borders. Mostly geographically but might also have some relationship to discovering intellectual uncharted territory.

Athafil (Resistance):
I see in my mind the idea of Indiana Jones. The kind of person who would go to the farthest corner of the world for his curiosity and thirst of knowledge, or using another idea from the first series of Star Trek, “To boldly go where no man has gone before”.

Relique (Enlightened):
For the most part, I see explorers as being people who for one reason of another decide that societal norms and the cultural expectations attached are not for them and that they would instead rather see what the world has to offer regardless of if it is in far off forgotten places, areas untouched by humanity, or in foreign/exotic lands.

Kosh TheRipper (Enlightened):
Many from history fit the mold... Lewis and Clark... Teddy Roosevelt…

2) Do you think it fits only certain types of people?

Arielsmurfeater (Enlightened):
To some degree everyone has a little bit of Explorer inside them, that's how a person learns and grows. However there are some that just scream Explorer like Vasco da Gama, Juan Ponce de Leon, Lewis & Clark, even Ingress' own Hank Johnson and even P.A. Chapeau can be considered an Explorer in revealing secrets or truths.

Ishira (Resistance):
I think it's possible for anyone to be an Explorer and some way shape or form but I also believe there are different types of explorers. By that I mean there are people who explore the world in different ways, whether it be physically or through text. There's also ones that go through spiritual exploration with themselves or even with others. I see people who are explorers as the outgoing type who are never truly satisfied in one spot or are looking for that one thing they may never achieve.

Leorobin (Resistance):
The explorer would need a drive to move out and actually accomplish some exploration. It probably has to be an individual that takes action and not one that waits for others to point the way.

Athafil (Resistance):
As all archetypes are part of human nature obviously inside every human there is a part of explorer. However in this case most of the people usually are afraid of this part and instead of looking for new experiences or to broaden their view they tend to stay inside their zone of comfort. So Explorer is only for people who are brave enough to change their point of view. Note sometimes it is enough to change your road of going back home. Or turning a corner near your house to find something new and interesting.

Relique (Enlightened):
No, not everyone can be an explorer the reason being that not everyone has the drive to leave their comfortable surroundings behind and journey into the unknown. Some People are content on living a "normal" routine life.

Kosh TheRipper (Enlightened):
I think that it fits anyone who's got a good touch of wanderlust honestly.

3) Why do you think this Archetype was was chosen and how do you believe it fits within the Magnus?

Arielsmurfeater (Enlightened):
I think the Explorer archetype is an important one to any group that is deciding to go into the uncharted waters of life. the Explorer can offer different ways of looking at things, provide new insight based on their experiences and sometimes be the person that ventures out first in order to make sure the path is safe for others to follow.

Ishira (Resistance):
I think an Explorer is important to the Magnus just as it is important in a story. The Explorer is the one that brings experience of the journeys they've taken to the table. They bring the knowledge they've gathered. Also I believe they could be a form of Direction for a Magnus. The one that has a goal maybe, and the one willing to go for it no matter the cost.

Leorobin (Resistance):
The explorer fits the Magnus as a way of extending it's reach and influence, as well as searching the ways to do so. I believe it was chosen as it is a common part of a group.

Athafil (Resistance):
This archetype was chosen because as the Magnus was directed towards and unknown destination the explorer is needed to find the way. Even if no one has been there. He is the vanguard the one who takes the greater risk. And this he needs the support of the humanist to heal his wounds (physical moral or spiritual).

Relique (Enlightened):
Explorers are historically used to assess if a target population could be converted peacefully or if they need to be subdued. The explorer may have been chosen for the magnus as part of this colonialist mindset as part of Calvin's desire to rob 13magnus and anti-magnus of their secrets.

Kosh TheRipper (Enlightened):
Every group needs to have that person who is willing to go that extra mile. Not only was Hank exploring, but he was bringing his experiences from those travels to the Magnus.

Thank you to everyone that participated in this month's Archetype Drill Down! We look forward to further discussions on the Archetypes of Ingress! We will be posting these discussions at the end of each month. If your interested in these discussions please get a hold of +Ishira Tsubasa or myself.

+flint dille +Edgar Allan Wright +Andrew Krug +Hank Johnson +H. Richard Loeb +John Hanke


  1. flint dille Edgar Allan Wright Andrew Krug Hank Johnson H. Richard Loeb John Hanke

  2. hmmmm don't know why that didn't work on my post... oh well It's Monday....

    Also... HAPPY BIRTHDAY Ishira Tsubasa


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