Archetype Roundtable

Archetype Roundtable

Hello everyone and welcome to the Archetype Round Table! This discussion is run jointly by Ariel Diana and myself. This is a little late due to some rl issue but I hope you enjoy the read!

This roundtable was setup to help provide some insights and delve further into the archetypes in the Ingress storyline. Archetypes are almost like a character’s role or generalized attitude in a story or setting.

The members of this roundtable includes both Resistance and Enlightened agents.This session is in regards to the Dreamer Archetype which is currently portrayed by Roland Jarvis in the storyline, until a new Magnus is created.

1)    What do you think of when you hear “Dreamer Archetype”?

Arielsmurfeater (Enlightened):

For me the Dreamer is someone that can see different possibilities and scenarios that others may not see, even if those scenarios are impossible to actually happen in the current version of reality. However that is not all that they do, they also have the ability to be able to interpret and understand what others like the Visionary might see.

Ishira (Resistance):

When i hear the term dreamer i honestly picture a child with these huge unrealistic dreams for themselves and others. Dreams or goals that are so big, that its probably not even possible for them to do themselves but they are something they truly aspire to have or do and end up inspiring others to have dreams like theirs.

KoshTheRipper (Enlightened):

This may seem a bit off, but I envision people like Nikola Tesla, Elon Musk and Stephen Hawking.

Leorobin (Resistance):

The dreamer to me is a creative archetype. It can envision changes to his world and plan ahead on how to make reality catch up to his dreams. It also is able to see multiple possibilities and dream of how they come into resolution.

Relique (Enlightened):

Dreamers are are strange beings, they occupy the space that straddles between the  Visionary and Alchemical realms. They look into the Realms of possibility and manifest their desires and beliefs rather than forecast future trends or evoke change using science or magic.

Athafil (Resistance):

Dreamer is the really driving force of humanity. They are the people who go over basic thoughts and allow humanity to leap forward "A small step for a man a big step for humanity"

2)    Do you think it fits only certain types of people?

Arielsmurfeater (Enlightened):

Honestly I still say everyone can be a Dreamer to a point. Even a Skeptic can still see different possibilities to each situation they encounter. For me the Dreamer is one that does not box themselves into one specific course of action because they know that there are many different possibilities that depending on what actions are taken could make different possibilities become reality.

Ishira (Resistance):

This is one of the Archetypes that i honestly feel can fit anyone as long as they are in the right mindset. I think we all have the capability of being dreamers, as at one point in time we do have goals and ideas that are far beyond what we can imagine. I think there's a lot in our schooling that supports dreamers and encourages them but sadly as we grow older and become adults, reality sets in and most of us stop being dreamers.

KoshTheRipper (Enlightened):

Not necessarily... It could be said to apply to anyone who thinks outside of the box so to speak.

Leorobin (Resistance):

It does fit creative and open minded people. The dreamer has to be someone who can adapt and get the most out of the multiple situations that unfold before him/her.

Relique (Enlightened):

Most people can become dreamers, albeit even momentarily if they follow the whims of creation and do not give into cold cynicism, pessimism, or a logical based skeptical mindset.

Athafil (Resistance):

Every human being is a dreamer when they are young. Which is the last time when you have raised your eyes to the sky and saw dragons and unicorns in the clouds?

3) Why do you think this Archetype was was chosen and how do you believe it fits within the Magnus?

Arielsmurfeater (Enlightened):

I think the Dreamer is one that helps the Magnus to see other options that are possible (similar to the Skeptic) but is also similar to a Humanist because they believe in the heart of the task or matter and want to help others see to the heart of it too and encourage them to reach for the best possible goal even if it seems impossible.

Ishira (Resistance):

I think a Dreamer is important in a magnus because they bring crazy ideas to the table that everyone can work for. They see the possibility of great and impossible ideas and encourage others to pursue them. You could almost say they are the perpetually optimistic person in the group that is always saying we can make a change and i think that's important for a group like the Magnus.

KoshTheRipper (Enlightened):

You need those people who think differently from others so that new innovation can occur.

Leorobin (Resistance):

I believe it fits into the Magnus as the strategist and the one who looks ahead for the best and sometimes the creative and out of the norm solutions and paths to take. I think it fits really well in the multidimensional and complex plot of the Ingress world.

Relique (Enlightened):

The role of a dreamer is to dream big when no one else wants to.  They are the ones who waits until the alchemical fires are put out and then remind people that the skeptic is wrong and what the mangus wanted to do is possible even if it requires the trickster to pull a rabbit out of her hat, the explorer to go on a quest, etc.

Athafil (Resistance):

Magnus : the dreamer is the person who starts everything. The person who see a goal.You can say that the Dreamer is the real beginning of Magnus which is needed to start the first steps (while the explorer is the one who make all the others 9997)

Thank you to everyone that participated in this month's Archetype Drill Down!  We look forward to further discussions on the Archetypes of Ingress! We will be posting these discussions at the end of each month.  If your interested in these discussions please get a hold of Ariel Diana or myself.

flint dille Edgar Allan Wright Andrew Krug Hank Johnson H. Richard Loeb John Hanke


  1. I was baffled when ran that Archetype test and it said I was a Dreamer. Suddenly all pieces slid together. I was a Dreamer even before I was an Agent. I practiced day dreaming a lot when I was a kid and still today, but not as often. It was afterall that trait that brought me here... very deep the rabbit hole and it keeps pushing me forward.
    The thing about Dreamers is they/us get lost a lot. When an idea or dream pops up we linger there for a long time, working it, transforming it, improving it. But if for some reason that vision cant become reality we just jump to the next one. That is why the rest of Magnus is so important for the Dreamer too: they make the dreams happen.
    That being said, I see the Skeptic as the Dreamers anchor to reality: he will question the dreams so they get improvements; the Trickster will test them in ways that not even the Dreamer thought were possible; some of the other sensitives will just bound to the Dream and give it full potential; the Alchemist, Explorer and Patron would just do their thing and make it real.. and this is just a sketched talk, with no prep investigation. Of course, sometimes the Dreamer is not the beggining of all things but he will see always a way to an end, no matter how crazy it may seem.


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