Glyph Drill Down: Advance Civilization Repeat Failure

Glyph Drill Down:  Advance Civilization Repeat Failure
Welcome to the Glyph Drill Down Roundtable. I will be running these weekly. If you are interested in joining in, please let me know in the comments. This is Faction/Level agnostic. ~@GaanEden
Glyphs are a memetic language imparting concepts to influence the human mind. In this Roundtable, we will discuss the following glyph sequence:
Advance Civilization Repeat Failure
What do you think it mean? Who is the sender and what is the receiver supposed to understand? How is this glyph sequence supposed to influence the human mind?
@BigMatty/ Enlightened
Like so many other glyphs, I feel there are multile and exclusive ways to interpret this string. At one end of the spectrum I take this glyph sequence to be sent from the N’Zeer as a warning against humans siding with the shapers to evolve civilization, in that such actions will fail. At the other end—I see a meaning that excluding foreign augmentation will result in failure.
“Advance Civilization” Just the two words, by themselves, could mean civilization proceeding as is, just advancing in time. It could mean only human’s technology, etc, used within civilization advances. OR it could mean that an augmentation is made to civilization.
“Repeat Failure” I feel does not lend its self as well to multiple interpretations. I feel this part is meant to mean, quite literally, that failure would be the repeated outcome.
Which of the multiple meanings do I feel is most accurate? Well, neither. I think this glyph sting is one that is able to be sent by BOTH the Shapers and the N’Zeer. That said, my very first reaction to the string is always that it is sent by the N’Zeer to caution against a future where humans have joined with the shapers.
@Ishira/ Resistance
Again this is a sequence that could mean so much but is likely misunderstood or taken wrong because of the glyph failure. When we talk about failure, it’s normally not in a great context and is almost always initially taken negatively. Adding on civilization and most can assume they are talking about us, and our current civilization. Telling us that we are only repeating our failure, but not what that failure is which only leads to frustration and defiance. It certainly sounds as if no matter what we do we are doomed to repeat this failure as we do not know what it is. But I don’t believe that is what this sequence is truly saying.
When we talk about advance civilizations we don’t often associate it with our current civilization, or at least I don’t, as it is still growing and we are still learning. We use it in context of the past, ancient civilizations like with Atlantis or the Romans. And when we look at ingress storyline, there are some ancient and advanced civilizations that have been destroyed (Pompeii) in the pursuit of power. Maybe this sequence is warning us. If we try to pursue what advanced civilizations did then we risk repeating their failures and destroying our civilization now. Or Maybe the sequence is simply telling us to learn from the repeated failures of other civilizations in order to advance our own. In this context the message isn’t as negative but more informative. Telling us that we have not failed yet but are well on the road to if we continue down the path we are on.
This is assuming the message is directed and for us, which with this sequence, that is hard to disprove. I will again though point out there are much better ways to address us and other glyphs that could have been used to clear this up. Simply changing advance to present would clear up the time line and whether or not it is speaking of our current civilization for example. I believe the absence of the glyphs that clearly represent us and absence of time line are purposeful and hints to what this sequence really means.
@TyphoonJim/ Enlightened
This is a 4 part sequence, belonging to levels 6 and 7.
This sequence is warning the recipient that to advance civilization has failed in the past. However, the implication here appears to be that advancing civilization is an imperative- we have perhaps seen the result of certain advances: the Interitus, and the revelation of the N’zeer. XM is perilous but powerful, and the warning here appears to be that one may stray easily on the path and fail.
 I believe that low level sequences are less clear versions of higher level ones. If this is true, what higher level sequences does this sequence point to? Advance Civilization Pursue Shaper Path seems connected. This would make the first sequence a warning, and the higher level sequence a solution to the problem. There is evidence in the past that humanity has awakened various events that caused ancient civilizations to disappear. The implication of the higher level sequence is that one may avoid this past failure by following a different path.
@essayons75/ Resistance
This means that if we advance as a civilization we will repeat past failures. Kind of literal in that sequence, though it is extremely vague about types of advancement or what kind of failure. Whether or not those failures will be catastrophic or not is not clear.
This sequence is from the N’zeer and is a warning that any evolution of humanity will result in disaster. The is meant to turn our thoughts against improvements that are not even remotely specified. This kind of sequence is too vague to have any immediate impact on us and seems more a preparatory tool for other messages.
@GaanEden/ Enlightened
All of the participants have brought something interesting to the table on this one. However, I’m of a completely separate mind. In another life, I was a QA engineer. My job was to break software. I was very good at it. The thing is, when you break software, you need to break it over and over and over until you get the exact steps needed to reproduce the bug, cutting out all extraneous information. Only then can you send that information up the line so it can be fixed.
For me, “Advance Civilization Repeat Failure” is a reference to the scientific method. Methodical working and reworking of a problem until the underlying cause is discovered. In this case, only the most Advance(d of) Civilization(s know to) Repeat Failure(s until the source is found).  This is definitely a case of bringing my own experiences to the table.
I run these weekly. If you are interested in joining in, please let me know in the comments. This is Faction/Level agnostic.
Also, if you would like to have a specific glyph sequence examined, let me know in the comments.

flint dille Andrew Krug Hank Johnson Stein Lightman Edgar Allan Wright H. Richard Loeb Linda B


  1. I see that sequence and I'm reminded of Atlantis. An advanced civilization that failed and we have been trying to replicate their system for millenia and have repeatedly failed.

  2. "or".... the glyphs are missing language details... could we be missing a simple break in the phrase?

  3. I interpret this message as a warning. Whether it´s from the Shapers or from the N´Zeer doesn´t matter in this case, because the meaning is pretty straightforward: Advanced Civilizations have repeated the same failure (mistake).

    As we look into humanity´s past, we have seen quite a few advanced civilisations. Egypt, Mesopotamia, Mayans, Aztecs ... take your pick. They all have something in common: They have risen above the level of their surrounding civilizations but vanished over the course of time. This message warns us that this could be the fate of the "western civilization", too. Mark that I didn´t wrote humanity, because there will be enough small civilisations of a more primitive style which will survive or even prosper after the western civilization is gone.

    What  failure (mistake) is it? Honestly, I don´t know. Whoever is behind this message seems to know, but doesn´t see it fit to tell us. This may implicate an invitation to start investigations in this direction. If I´m asked to speculate, I would go along this way: With a advanced civilization comes more power. More power leads to hybris (We can do everything, nobody can touch us, we´re always right) and hybris leads to the underestimation of dangers, which ultimately destroy the civilisation. Any similarities to our times are imho not coincidental.


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