A Chance To Get Project Isthmus Biocards

A Chance To Get Project Isthmus Biocards

Come find myself (@pORFECTION) or agent @derp( Jaime Quinonez) in #ViaLux Toronto, or agent @labeljumper( M. K.) in Cologne to score one of the first Project Isthmus biocards!@labeljumper should be easy to find - just look for the Berlin Resistance Swag Addicts shirt, shown below.

Bill Kilday Ethan Lepouttre Linda Besh flint dille Haerang Dong Anne Beuttenmüller Masashi Kawashima John Hanke Carlie Chiu Mike Quigley Andrew Krug Matilde Tusberti Susanna Moyer


  1. B. XavierZ if you are in the Project Isthmus chat there should be an opportunity for mailing soon! (If you're not in the chat and want to be just let us know ☺)

  2. Been following the discussions for as long as the project has been up... would be a shame to miss out on this one...

  3. Hee hee, actually I know you've been a supporter for a long time (thank you!) It's my (kinda) sneaky way to promote the chat... We will for sure get a card to you B. XavierZ​! ☺

  4. B. XavierZ​ how many portals do you have in Kuwait? Enough for me to do a UPV run? 😬

  5. Marius H Tronstad hahaha! Do it! Then you can hand deliver it too :-) :-)


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