This was the first post of the contents of one of the three cases from this weekend.

This was the first post of the contents of one of the three cases from this weekend. Awesome work reporting by Julia Vivienne Loverdose (and as an Embedded Reporter, too - VERY well executed!)

I can't wait to see the third one!

Originally shared by Julia Vivienne Loverdose

What was inside Hank Johnson​ 's case?
Agents were wondering what was inside the case which resistance got yesterday in Rome. Usually such information is kept unrevealed. But this knowledge should belong to all agents. The anomaly series is over. Now it is safe to say a few words about what was inside the case without breaking the #opSec.

Inside the case were:
* Envelopes with puzzles;
* A Klue clue;
* The Klue;
* A roll of sticky tape;
* A big portable lamp.

On the front side of puzzle pieces there was a picture. The back side was a QR-code. By solving the puzzle and flipping the image over, you'd get the QR-code that lead to Intel. (Here begins #opSec)

The sticky tape was to stick puzzle pieces together. The lamp was to make sure that there is enough light to solve the puzzle. What were the QR codes? What showed the front images of puzzles? This shall remain mystery...

#ViaNoir #ingress #Rome
Daniel van Os​​​​
Mustafa Said​​​​
Hank Johnson​​​​


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