The Shapers, and the enlightened, have always been into journeys of self discovery...

The Shapers, and the enlightened, have always been into journeys of self discovery...
Originally shared by Mario Valenzuela II (Relique)
Septicycle 2016.48
Knowledge. Inside. Discover. Self. Grow.
When I created my various lists of glyphs last week, I had difficulty deciding which sequence to build after committing to using my third list.
The more I thought about it, the more it became clear what the septicyle's sequence should be.
Knowledge. Inside. Discover. Self. Grow
The sequence demands that we (use) knowledge from within (an ambiguous source) to discover oneself and for personal growth. The source of this knowledge was left ambiguous because it could be based on one's experiences, their knowledge, the life lessons and the various teachings a person may encounter through out his/her life, and may even come from the cosmos, the portal network, ultimate or N'Zeer/XM substrate. This knowledge, which has been internalized, should then be used as part of an individual's quest of self discovery and personal growth.
Sadly, as with all knowledge, one must be careful about what lessons an individual chooses to integrate into him/herself as they may discover he/she does not like the person he/she sees in the mirror.
#ingress #shaperPortents #shaperGlyphs
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