For the first Glyph Drill Down of the year, run by Jennifer Brozek​, I am opening it to any Resistance agent that...

Originally shared by Ishira “Glyph Hunter” Tsubasa

For the first Glyph Drill Down of the year, run by Jennifer Brozek​, I am opening it to any Resistance agent that wants to participate instead of going down my list. I'm going to give this a day before I snag one of the agents on my list but I am hoping to see some volunteers! We have a wonderful time discussing the sequences and you do not need to know every glyph in the world to participate in it. The questions are simple but fun to explore! Again I hope to see some new agents participating this year so if your interested message me! If you are enlightened and interested message Achim S.​ as he runs the enlightened side of things ;) I can only let this be up for so long for this weeks but if you can't do it this week and are still interested feel free to message us.



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