
Showing posts from March, 2017

This is what the Ingress community is all about.

This is what the Ingress community is all about. This is one of the reasons Project Isthmus was created. PI wasn't involved in this rescue but the way both RES and ENL scrambled together to make sure Josie was OK is better than anything else I've heard lately. flint dille Andrew Krug Linda Besh John Hanke Originally shared by Josie FireEyes I'm the type of person who is bull headed and stubborn, when I have something in my mind to do, there's no turning back. On Sunday the 26th, that got me into a bit of trouble. I had been eye balling some hard portals, so I finally decided to hike up and try to get them. Having visited the area before I felt confident in my solo journey. It would be a 5 mile round trip snow shoe, with about 2.5 ft of snow on the ground. I let several people know where I was going, what equipment I had with me, where I parked, when I should have been back, but said don't worry until this certain time. I started my trek, happy and excited to finally...

Another exciting #MagnusReawakens project comes to light!

Another exciting #MagnusReawakens project comes to light! H. Richard Loeb Operation Essex Edgar Allan Wright Andrew Krug Haerang Dong Originally shared by Liberty Naud (LibertyBot2) Team: Luminescent Heart Archetype: Humanist Our team submitted our proposal and website to Ingress on March 14th and we just can't hold back our excitement any longer! Enjoy and we look forward to seeing what you all think! Quick Links: Website: Lore Discovery: Concept Gallery: Blog: #MagnusReawakens #luminescentheart #Ingress

There is lots of excitement building for the upcoming #MagnusReawakens event!

There is lots of excitement building for the upcoming #MagnusReawakens event! Here is a highlight from one of the team's submissions, Archetype: Trickster... H. Richard Loeb Operation Essex Edgar Allan Wright Andrew Krug Haerang Dong Originally shared by ViridCascadia As you can see from our decision process page ( ), we found many archetypes worthy of study, but soon Sensitives among us convinced the team to follow subtle clues to the spaces in our region where the most profound Enlightenment can occur. In these spaces we have found, and intend to share, puzzles that will help all Agents grow in craftiness and creative mastery. Our #MagnusReawakens project seeks to honor the Trickster archetypes that arise in every human culture. We invite them to assume the form of Raven, via a welcoming Nest that will also host a Tecthulu-based interactive art installation. All Agents are invited to share photos and stories of your own encounters with th...

The Manifestations of the Researchers

The Manifestations of the Researchers #Fateofthe13 has concluded. The ABADN will soon be empty and the Archetypes will be shuffled back into the deck to perhaps be drawn with new faces. The existing remnant patterns of the Niantic researchers, regardless of claim, have manifested at selected Portals that were targets in the last phase, with the addition of Cupid's Span to accommodate Jarvis: Devra Bogdanovich: Brisbane, Australia Victor Kureze: Jakarta, Indonesia Misty Hannah: Manila, Philippines A Detection Algorithm (ADA): Fukuoka, Japan Yuri Alaric Nagassa: St Petersburg, Russia Enoch Dalby: Berlin, Germany Ezekiel Calvin: Paris, France Carrie Campbell: Rome, Italy Oliver Lynton Wolfe: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Roland Jarvis: San Francisco, USA Martin Schubert: Seattle, USA Stein Lightman: New York, USA Hank Johnson: San Antonio, USA Some of these are immediately clear why. Jarvis and Cupid's Span are linked from the original 13Magnus, as is OLW with Rio de Janeiro (these two p...

Request For Global Assistance (With Reward)

Request For Global Assistance (With Reward) Isthmus agents, the following screenshot was leaked and sent my way. Due to [REDACTED] we are not able to decode the information presented. *The first agent to decode the four items listed, and post them in a comment here will be sent a powerful gear code. *After the four items are posted and verified to be correct: - Re-sharing this post with the four decoded items - Along with tagging +Project Isthmus so that we know Will gain you (while supplies last): - A (smaller) gear code - An unreleased piece of Isthmus swag, delivered by mail Good luck agents! H. Richard Loeb Andrew Krug flint dille Anne Beuttenmüller Hank Johnson John Hanke Luma Viride


This week's sequence, and 'intercepted glyph list' were brought to you by by a grant from #ReliqueTecthulhu. Originally shared by Mario Valenzuela II (Relique) Septicycle 2017.11 We. Have. Unbounded. Potential. Create Intercepted Shaper Glyphs We. Destiny. Desire. Potential. Perspective. Create. Have. Creativity. Unbounded. Want. Pursue. Self. Forget. Save. Interrupt. Destruction. Avoid. You. Idea. New. . Strong. Help. Portal. During a Septicycle 2017.05, two shaper portent sequences emerged from the portal network describing humanity’s unbounded potential to create in terms of it originating from our desires and thought.  I find it interesting that a variant of that statement returned this week with a qualifying statement of “we have.”. The reason why it is interesting is because it implies that the source of this message is not attributing the quality of having an unbounded potential to create to only humans, as it did during previous statements, but instead the sou...

Glyph Drill Down: Begin Human Legacy Now

Glyph Drill Down: Begin Human Legacy Now Welcome to the Glyph Drill Down Roundtable. These weekly examinations of glyph phrases. If you are interested in joining in, please let me know in the comments. This is Faction/Level agnostic. ~@GaanEden Glyphs are a memetic language imparting concepts to influence the human mind. In this Roundtable, we will discuss the following glyph sequence: Begin Human Legacy Now What do you think it mean? Who is the sender and what is the receiver supposed to understand? How is this glyph sequence supposed to influence the human mind? @Ishira / Resistance At first, this sequence sounds like a plea or maybe someone talking in annoyance. Someone seems to be begging or commanding us to do more. Someone who knows what our potential is and can see it, but also sees we are not reaching it in the time we need to. In this context, their impatience bothers me, but ultimately sounds like what a leader would say to their army in order to get them to move. It could wo...

This is from the Hank Johnson NOMAD mission in New Zealand.

This is from the Hank Johnson NOMAD mission in New Zealand. Originally shared by Shisca Russell Resistance just uncovered this in Christchurch Operation Essex Project Isthmus Hank Johnson Ingress


Originally shared by Mario Valenzuela II (Relique) Septicycle 2017.09 Search. Data. Create. Potential. Message. Intercepted Shaper Glyphs Message. Spirit. Idea. Future. Create. Search. Data. Potential. Human. Victory. Discover. Recharge. Desire. Resist. N’Zeer. Rebel. Soul. Abandon. Truth. Contemplate. Lies, Ignore. Repeat. This sequence is self explanatory. As you are well aware, each week I generate a randomized list of glyphs.  In the process, I search through this raw data to create a list of potential shaper glyph sequences to publish. It may take a while, but I eventually decide on which sequences I to use before writing my thoughts down and posting each message. Septicycle 2017.09.01 Recharge. Human. Soul. When an individual is burnt out or unmotivated they must take time to reinvigorate (recharge) their soul to prevent from being overcome by malaise. Septicycle 2017.09.02 Human. Spirit. Rebel. I wasn't able to decide if this should be interpreted as "the Huma...

Meltdown Comics Event - @LA on March 11, 2017

Meltdown Comics Event - @LA on March 11, 2017 Agents, we've received a small bit of information from flint dille about the event that H. Richard Loeb has reported on. It's not a lot, but we've heard "some interesting Ingress things will be happening" at this time. Both Project Isthmus and the larger Operation Essex communities would benefit greatly from any on-site Investigating that can be done. If you are able to attend, PLEASE let us know! It is feasible that during this event remote Investigators will be able to be utilized and participate via chat. Because of this possibility we are repurposing a Telegram chat room that was originally established for the Meetup and Intel Mission on UC San Diego Campus ( ) for this Meltdown Comics Event. You can join that chat using this link: Originally shared by H. Richard Loeb A number of interesting individuals are surfacing at Meltdown Com...

Glyph Drill Down: Abandon All Technology Save Us

Glyph Drill Down: Abandon All Technology Save Us Welcome to the Glyph Drill Down Roundtable. These weekly examinations of glyph phrases. If you are interested in joining in, please let me know in the comments. This is Faction/Level agnostic. ~@GaanEden Glyphs are a memetic language imparting concepts to influence the human mind. In this Roundtable, we will discuss the following glyph sequence: Abandon All Technology Save Us What do you think it mean? Who is the sender and what is the receiver supposed to understand? How is this glyph sequence supposed to influence the human mind? @3d13rw01f / Enlightened Seeing this sequence I think of an exhortation, a request for those who have sought the support of technology for salvation. An exhortation of who to whom? For this we must go back to antiquity, perhaps to the time where all this battle began. Then this message, possibly sent to those who began with the New Wave Resistance, to those who have put in technology all their confidence for t...