Glyph Drill Down: N’Zeer Hide Us/We Equal Them

Glyph Drill Down: N’Zeer Hide Us/We Equal Them

Welcome to the Glyph Drill Down Roundtable. These are roundtable examinations of glyph phrases. If you are interested in joining in, please let me know in the comments. This is Faction/Level agnostic. ~@GaanEden

Glyphs are a memetic language imparting concepts to influence the human mind. In this Roundtable, we will discuss the following glyph sequence:

N’Zeer Hide Us/We Equal Them

Given what has come before, what do you think this phrase means? What is the receiver supposed to understand? Does it matter who the sender is? How is this glyph sequence supposed to influence the human mind?

@SHODANn / Enlightened
This is a two-part sentence. The first two glyphs should be read as “The N’Zeer are hidden.” The last three glyphs should be read as “And we are too.”

The likely sender of this are the Shapers. So what hides both the Shapers and the N’Zeer? The divide between our world and theirs. It suggests that the barrier between us and the Shapers is the same, or is of the same nature, as the one between us and the N’Zeer. This must be what the Shapers are trying to tell us.

@Catacat / Resistance
I have several possible interpretations on this glyph based on how I would decide to arrange their grammatical constituents and the functional independent morphemes that would bind them syntactically. So, I decided to go with the one that follows what seems to be the current line of enquiry according to the revelations on Investigate and that I consider to be the most controversial =P. That being said, this glyph sequence resonates strongly with an idea I’ve been having for some time that the N’zeer (and maybe also the Shapers) are not just transmitting their messages and influence from another dimension, but from the very “future” of humankind.

If we follow the many-world interpretation of quantum mechanics, which states that every event in which more than one outcome is possible is a branch point that creates alternative universes in which these outcomes are real, we could play with the idea that the N’zeers and the Shapers come from two parallel universe, one in which humans evolved into the N’zeers and another in which we evolved into Shapers. And thus, both entities might be trying to guide the humans of our particular universe. Now… why would N’zeers be interested on hiding that from us? Well… there are multiple possibilities, of course, I might try to go for two: First, they might just be trying to pull the right strings in their direction and our knowing might just ruin that. Second, they might want to see if we truly with to follow the path they show us by ourselves since we might reach a different point than the one they reached (a different type of N’zeer) which would be interesting to them as the science-driven creatures they seem to be.

For this glyph drill down let me analyze some thoughts and quotes from Hank Johnson. In my opinion his exploration, studies of ancient places, hunt for dark xm traces and conversations with Jahan might be most helpful and the best source to understand this glyph sequence.

“I knew that nearly every trace of the N’zeer had been struck from history, but nothing can ever be fully eradicated. It can be written over, drown out, *hidden in the shadows*… *Hidden behind codes, stories and perhaps glyphs*….. But it cannot be eradicated.”

We know that despite their attack the N’Zeer’s secret was kept by Anti-Magnus. This glyph sequence claims that we as human are equal to the N’Zeer. But what are the N’Zeer?

“As with the Shapers, there is no clear visual depiction of the N’zeer, though there are depictions of various forms of monstrous human beings and other images that defy the normal, sometimes they are terrifying.

“The chaotic monsters unleashed, perhaps unwittingly by the Diodati Epiphany and at times by Lovecraft and Howard, though I do not think they intended to do so… The abominations.”

If we believe that we are equal to the N’Zeer and if only grains of truth are within these Lovecraft nightmares I absolutely understand Hank when he wished the N’Zeer would never come back.

Now there’s another glyph sequence that’s in my mind: You Hide Chaos Inside Your Body

@Ishira / Resistance
There is so many things this sequence could mean or indicate... Some that challenge us to really look into who or what the N’zeer are. As I read this sequence its harder for me to separate myself from my first thoughts on it... To try and find the multiple meanings it may hold because the first meaning I see coincides with a theory of mine. That we are actually Shapers and N’zeer in a different form.

N’zeer are hidden. We equal them. To me this sequence points to the possibility that N’zeer are hidden within us. That ‘we equal them’ signals that we are in fact the same. N’zeer may be no different than us, and we may be no different than them. I have to ask though, if this is true, when and how did or do we become N’zeer? Is there actually a difference between us, or is it a title? And is it the same with Shapers? What do we need to do to become them? I know part of this is just me reading what I want to read, and it could be a stretch to say that’s what this sequence means, but I needed to get it out to take apart my own reasoning on it. This sequence leaves me too excited to think clearly on it but I feel as I am writing I am able to better separate myself from it.

We did recently do a study on these before the drill down and in it I pointed out something that I want to point out here. While yes, we are given a clearer message of who they are talking about (Us/We and Nzeer) I would also like to point out it isn’t completely clear. We do not know who Us/We is... And I know I argued this before, about how it would be easier to understand who these messages are intended for with the introduction of these glyphs into our scanners but I feel like it was almost take too literally.

If you take apart this sequence by looking at its structure and what the sequence is composed of, you’ll see that Human isn’t present in this sequence. (here’s a link to Ariel and I’s studies on this to show this and ) This leads me to believe that its possible WE/US isn’t actually the agents reading this sequence and that is an important part of this sequence. If Them is in fact N’zeer, which I feel it is, then who ever WE/US is, is suppose to be equal to them. The only ones we know so far that are in any way equal, are Shapers....

So is it possible this message is from Shapers? That we are listening to them discussing the N’zeer? Just like my first thoughts on this, I also believe this could be a high possibly but I cannot say it was intended for us to read...

More questions than answers come from reading this sequence. It could simply be saying that because the N’zeer are hidden we are equal to them because in ways we hide parts of ourselves too. Or that because they are hidden we have in ways taken their place... So what would happen if they aren’t hidden? I can’t seem to stick on one thought on this, and maybe that was the intention of this sequence... I honestly cannot wait to see what other agents have to say on it. But overall I still do not believe one faction over the other sent this... It’s a sequence made to make us question and open ourselves to many possibilities.

@GaanEden / Enlightened
Once more, I am at odds with everyone else. I don’t know who the “us/we” in this is. What I’m focused on is the fact that the N’Zeer is being called out as hiding information. To what end?

If the phrase means that the N’Zeer are hiding that humans equal them—why? I would think they’d want us to know this.

If the phrase means that the N’Zeer are hiding that the Shapers equal them, it makes more sense. There is less to reason to divide and conquer. Less reason to fight.

If the phrase means the N’Zeer are hiding that both the Shapers & humans equal them, I have to pause. If all are one and the same (species? evolution?) then it really comes down to philosophy.

Of course, this phrase could reference the bait-and-switch that happened with the Resistance. In the beginning, the Resistance fought on the side of humanity. It’s only recently they’ve discovered they’re really fighting on the side of the N’Zeer.

I run these once a month. If you are interested in joining in, please post in the comments. Or contact either Ishira or Metamorphis. This is Faction/Level agnostic.

John Hanke Haerang Dong flint dille Edgar Allan Wright Linda Besh Andrew Krug Hank Johnson Stein Lightman H. Richard Loeb


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