
Showing posts from July, 2016

Glyph Drill Down: Advance Civilization Repeat Failure

Glyph Drill Down:  Advance Civilization Repeat Failure   Welcome to the Glyph Drill Down Roundtable. I will be running these weekly. If you are interested in joining in, please let me know in the comments. This is Faction/Level agnostic. ~@GaanEden   Glyphs are a memetic language imparting concepts to influence the human mind. In this Roundtable, we will discuss the following glyph sequence:   Advance Civilization Repeat Failure   What do you think it mean? Who is the sender and what is the receiver supposed to understand? How is this glyph sequence supposed to influence the human mind?     @BigMatty/ Enlightened Like so many other glyphs, I feel there are multile and exclusive ways to interpret this string. At one end of the spectrum I take this glyph sequence to be sent from the N’Zeer as a warning against humans siding with the shapers to evolve civilization, in that such actions will fail. At the other end—I see a meaning that excluding foreign augmentation will result in failure. ...
updated! for those interested the glyph journal is up to date

Agent derp's field research, theories, and questions...

Agent derp's field research, theories, and questions... Operation Essex Andrew Krug Linda B

Glyph Drill Down: Hide Impure Human Thought

Glyph Drill Down: Hide Impure Human Thought   Welcome to the Glyph Drill Down Roundtable. I will be running these weekly. If you are interested in joining in, please let me know in the comments. This is Faction/Level agnostic. ~@GaanEden   Glyphs are a memetic language imparting concepts to influence the human mind. In this Roundtable, we will discuss the following glyph sequence:   Hide Impure Human Thought   What do you think it mean? Who is the sender and what is the receiver supposed to understand? How is this glyph sequence supposed to influence the human mind?     @Enade/ Enlightened Hide Impure Human Thought... Honestly this could be a message from either the Shapers or the N'zeer as far as I can tell. What thoughts do each consider Impure? The Shapers, the Desire for Technology? The N'zeer, the Thirst for Knowledge? It is possible that this is a Sequence meant for Agents that are acting undercover in areas that are highly controlled by the opposite faction to act as a t...

I would highly value the thoughts of Project Isthmus on this...

I would highly value the thoughts of Project Isthmus on this... Originally shared by Steven Wilson Following the triumph of the Enlightened in the first and second phases of the Aegis Nova Anomaly series, the stakes for the Tokyo Anomaly are becoming clearer. As Jahan's letter to Resistance agents explains ( ), whilst the Resistance are incapable of acting offensively against Jarvis, they can still fight to defend ADA from the attack being launched by Jarvis and his Acolyte. What do we know: We know that the Enlightened victory during the first stage provided Jarvis with sufficient energy to penetrate Klue's mind for ADA's vulnerabilities. We know that Jarvis has already begun to use this information to probe ADA and test her defenses. (See ) We know that the Enlightened will attack ADA with "a compelling message" that will cause the AI to ...

Okay guys I did some research about the wristbands... thats what I got:

Okay guys I did some research about the wristbands... thats what I got: There are most likely 3 different rare pack wirstbands (see pictures from me and M. K.) If I put my VR wirstband on top only the glyphs from type 3 rare wirstbands match up. Type 1 only gives two matches (Unbounded and Escape). Type 2 only gives three matches (Unbounded, Escape and Pursue/Chase). With type 3 all 4 glyphs match: Unbounded, Escape, Pursue/Chase and Attack/War. My question, is there a different vr wirstband which will match type 1 and 2 glyphs? Please add picture of you vr wirstband if you have. I hope this helps so far :) Matt Stevenson Anthony Fontana 

Glyph Drill Down: Distance Self Avoid Human Lie

Glyph Drill Down: Distance Self Avoid Human Lie   Welcome to the Glyph Drill Down Roundtable. I will be running these weekly. If you are interested in joining in, please let me know in the comments. This is Faction/Level agnostic. ~@GaanEden   Glyphs are a memetic language imparting concepts to influence the human mind. In this Roundtable, we will discuss the following glyph sequence:   Distance Self Avoid Human Lie   What do you think it mean? Who is the sender and what is the receiver supposed to understand? How is this glyph sequence supposed to influence the human mind?   @JennyWeb/ Resistance I find it useful to break this down into two segments, “Distance Self” and “Avoid Human Lie”. Distance Self could mean exactly what the English transliteration indicates: to distance oneself from the “Human Lie”. But this is somewhat redundant with the Avoid glyph, and the use of the Self glyph seems to be significant​. The Distance glyph is sometimes shown as “Outside”, and I think these con...

What happens after #AegisNova ? Here are encrypted messages from Flint!

What happens after #AegisNova ? Here are encrypted messages from Flint! Originally shared by NCC1701R Today, agents who were in Paris, France, could meet flint dille and Mathieu de Fayet from Niantic at Viva Technology Paris where conferences about innovation were taking place. Those who completed a 6-mission #VivaTech banner could get #Ingress swags and more than 80 had them signed by Flint and Mathieu (the omnibus Niantic Project comics, Ingress mod redeemable cards, collectible character cards). If they went to the AXA booth, agents could also get #AXAShield cards and wristbands with integrated USB flash drive. Flint is known to be the Creative Lead on Ingress and Niantic Project, he gave some clues about what is going to happen after the #XMAnomaly in Tokyo and after #AegisNova . The researchers from Project Isthmus and Operation Essex will probably have more to say than me, but here is what seems to be outlined: • Even if the Enlightened already won by points, the events after #Ae...

Flint Dille wrote me this message at VIVA Technology in Paris.

Originally shared by Martin Brenner Flint Dille wrote me this message at VIVA Technology in Paris. I read it as: When the Shield breaks new Portals must be taken.

These are the three bands I got from Brooklyn.

These are the three bands I got from Brooklyn.

More images of wrist band differences

More images of wrist band differences We wanted to get these further images out to the community as well.