Avoid. Absent. Desire. Outside. Destiny.

Avoid. Absent. Desire. Outside. Destiny. I am actually surprised this sequence doesn't appear in the game considering how many sequences all deal with the concept of destiny. Originally shared by Mario Valenzuela II (Relique) Septicycle 2016.50 Avoid. Absent. Desires. Outside. Destiny. When creating my glyph sequences, I try to be as faction agnostic as possible, to avoid any possible bias that might creep in as a result of faction membership. For this reason I make it an effort to avoid using the glyphs for resist, struggle, enlightened, enlighten, and enlightenment. Unfortunately, each of the five seed lists had those glyphs and contained several sequences that would be very biased. As a result, I decided to combine those seed lists, input them back into the list randomizer, producting the following glyphs: Outside. Contemplate. Have. Destiny. Absent. Avoid. Use. Desire. Before. Advance. There are several interesting possible sequences within those ten glyphs; however, depend...