In today's Intel leak we have, for the first time, confirmation from Ezekiel Calvin himself that he is, or was, a...

In today's Intel leak we have, for the first time, confirmation from Ezekiel Calvin himself that he is, or was, a member of the ancient AntiMagnus. Somewhat ironically, this confirmation comes concomitantly with an admission that Calvin's current relationship status with the group appears to be “it’s complicated." There has been considerable speculation as to how fundamentally different the post-recursion Calvin will be from his previous self. There is the obvious matter of his lost memories. Like all simulacra, Calvin will have no direct memories of his previous life over the 1331 days prior to his recursion during Abaddon. However, Calvin had a distinct advantage over the other participants in the Niantic Project: he knew he was a simulacrum. Therefore, he would have prepared for this, leaving himself copious notes and information to bring his new recursion up to speed. This latest message seems to confirm my earlier prediction that Calvin would be able to collect his me...